Chapter Twenty-Two

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With the way Sirius and Remus worked, it was no surprise his heat only lasted 84 hours. Three and a half days to be exact. They hadn't let Harry be hard for more than a minute before they were on him and making him cum. They pushed Harry until he was begging them to stop, which Harry never thought he'd say. But turns out he had evil mates. Remus especially, when Moony was able to take control of convincing him to do something would have Harry squirting so much, he was sure there was a permanent stain on the wall directly across from the closet door.

After his heat, they had a few days before the full moon. After that, they had another few day before a ministry worker and a leader wolf would come to verify their bond. The full moon passed quickly and easily. The 31st however seemed to be a slow arrival. But rest assured it did arrive and Harry was up bright and early to tidy up the suite. He made breakfast, cleaned everything that looked dirty (which was everything), had Potter manor house elves come to collect laundry so it would be done quicker. He made sure to clean the private suite that he and his mates lived in now.

That had been a small argument that Harry won pretty quickly. James had wanted Harry close, especially with the 31st coming closer and closer. It was unconscious and not entirely his fault. Harry had asked if he genuinely wanted to hear him scream as he came while Remus or Sirius fucked him and that had made James kick them out. Saying he did not need to know any of that thank you very much. That comment had also made Sirius take a look at his potion supply to find that none of his brain controlling potion (as he named it) had been used.

That had also started an argument. One that hasn't been won by either side and was only being ignored for now because Harry was still taking the potion that would stop the growth. Harry was not, under any circumstances taking that brain controlling potion. He was smart. He was fucking brilliant; he was not slowing his brain down to appease anyone and that was something they will have to accept. Harry was pulled from his thoughts by a door opening and when he turned, he saw James leaving his bedroom still in sleepwear with a robe wrapped around his body.

" okay?" Harry asked

"I'm fine Harry. Don't worry about it. Do you have any plans after the ministry worker?" James asked sitting on a stool resting his elbow on the counter

"You realize you can't use the ''I'm fine'' lie to someone who has used it themselves right?" Harry said watching James roll his eyes playfully, "but no we are staying here, I think. Why?"

"I want to take you to your grave. Your tombstone. It's one of the yearly visits we take as a family. I already told everyone we are going again this year, but we are bringing you with us." Harry swallowed but nodded

"Alright. Though you do know forcing your healing like this isn't going to work the way you think it is. The only thing that's going to help is therapy. Real therapy." Harry said gently. "Forcing healing is going to bring up things you probably don't want to be brought up."

"Harry no offense, but I'm 37. I'm the parent. I don't need my son to try and parent me thanks." Harry knew not to take it personally and he didn't, but he was surprised he had been able to keep his snort of laughter buried.

"Fine. Here eat some breakfast and go wake up mom. The minister worker will be here in an hour." Harry handed James two plates before grabbing the tray of three plates and three mugs of tea before heading to his private rooms. Harry entered the bedroom to see Sirius and Remus were already awake lying-in bed together.

"I bring breakfast." Harry said

"Where have you been?" Remus asked sitting up

"Doing things. Keeping myself busy. I woke up early." Harry said handing Remus his plate and mug then handing Sirius his as well, "also we are apparently visiting my grave today."

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