Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Do you think they know?" Harry shifted slightly on the branch he was sitting on, having changed from his wolf form after climbing the tree. He had followed Dumbledore and a group of others into the forbidden forest. Harry hadn't been able to sleep so he had gone on a walk around the grounds and had seen the group enter the forest which was odd, and it piqued his interest.

"If they do, they haven't confronted me about it and James isn't one to not confront someone." Dumbledore spoke

"Now what?" A man this time

"We need to make sure Harry doesn't figure out who stole him that night." Dumbledore said, "so far Peter is safe in hiding still, but he's breaking the spell more and more now. He believes he got them killed. All of them. I'm positive no one has mentioned Peter to the kids."

"And then?" A male asked

"Then we find a way to make Harry's bond invalid. They thought this through too much that my last-minute law change didn't have any effect on them. I need to think of another way."

"Then after their bond is broken, we sell Harry to Greyback."

"Exactly. Greyback will have his fun before reviving the dark lord then Harry and the Potters will be killed-"

"But not before their will in changed correct?"

"Of course. Not before the will is changed."


"Who's Peter?" Harry demanded as he walked into the room after classes the next day. James, Lily, Remus, and Sirius all froze, and silence fell into the room before they looked at him.

"Who?" James asked though his voice and tone betrayed him

"Who is Peter?" Harry asked again

"Where did learn that name?" Remus asked setting his quill in the ink bottle

"Tell me who he is then I will tell you where I heard it from."

"Peter Pettigrew was a friend of ours. He was one of the pack members. However, he betrayed us to Voldemort and that's what got you taken." James was the one to tell him after a few minutes of silence. "Now tell us how you heard that name."

"Dumbledore has him locked up somewhere under some type of spell and he thinks every one of you guys is dead. When he's sane." The silence of the room felt heavy and stiff as they all stared at him as if he had grown a second head.

"What- where- that's not true- Peter-"

"Would you like my memory?"

"Unfortunately, I think that's the only way we'll believe this. Not you Harry...but this." Remus said as James got up to go retrieve his Pensieve. Harry nodded then grabbed his wand and pulled the memory out after a moment. He dropped into the liquid then stepped back letting the four enter the memory. It took a few minutes, but when they came out, they were all pale and confused as Harry helped them back to the couches.

"What does this mean? That Dumbledore is behind all of this too? That he is plotting something." James said shaking his head in disbelief

"He can't break an already approved bond." Remus said, "that's one thing we don't have to worry about."

"He can't break it as long as we are inside a strong pack. A werewolf pack." Harry said looking at Remus

"What do you mean?" Lily asked

"Technically speaking by standard pack ruled Remus doesn't qualify to own me the way our bond allows him to. He can't fight as a wolf; he doesn't understand a lot of things. So technically speaking if Dumbledore finds a pack who will test Remus' qualifications and he fails they can petition for a bond breakage until my mate is qualified. It's hardly ever done though, but I wouldn't put it past Dumbledore to find it sooner rather than later."

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