Chapter Eight

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Flower Meanings In The Bouquet;

Sunflowers- Adoration, Loyalty, Longevity

Hydrangeas- Gratitude, Honesty, Deep Understanding

Snapdragons- Deception, Graciousness, Fascination

Anemone- Protection Against Evil or Ill Wishes

Lupine- Happiness, Creativity, Imagination

Columbines- Wisdom, Intelligence, Innocence

Camellia- Passion, Balance, Beauty, Youth

Larkspur- Levity, Purity, Sweetness, Laughter

Heather- Admiration, Beauty, Solitude

Gladiolus- Strength, Integrity, Infatuation

Lilac- Beginning of Love, Spirituality, Tranquility

Clematis- Mental Beauty, Cunning, Ingenuity

Woodland Sage- Compassion, Thoughtfulness, Healing

Pany- Adoration, Self-Expression, Sympathy

Once Harry made sure the rut was over, he made breakfast that wasn't meat-related and placed each plate on the bedside table beside Sirius and Remus. He kissed his sleeping mates' foreheads then left the room. He entered his parents' room and saw James and Lily grading papers.

"Hey everyone okay?"

"They're still asleep, but Remus is done with his rut." Harry told them sitting on the couch and laying his head down on James lap

"You okay?"

"No." Harry said softly

"Wanna talk about it?" Harry shrugged

"My omega just isn't felt like I was just invading on them. Which in a way I guess I am, but I didn't pick my mate. I didn't see them and decide I wanted to get between their marriage. It wasn't my choice."

"We all know that Harry." Lily said running a hand through his hair

"I just felt unwanted the whole week, Sirius wanted to do everything by himself, which was expected, and I was fine with obviously, but it felt like he was trying to compete with me. He wanted to have sex with Remus, and we waited until yesterday evening to do it so that way they would sleep afterwards and wake up without a rut. I was going to prepare him because Remus wasn't in the right headspace to do it properly and he completely rejected me, and he was hurt because of it. We wouldn't let me heal him either afterwards saying Remus can do it tomorrow. He doesn't want me. He's only agreeing because otherwise I'd be sold off." Harry was crying by the end of it burying his face in James' stomach

"I'm sorry sweetie, but I don't think that's what Sirius meant. He probably didn't want you to do anything you weren't ready for. So, he sacrificed his comfort for yours."

"Well, it sucked. It's my job to take care of them. It's my job to do these things and he just made me feel unwanted. Like I was invading and wasn't welcomed. Sirius didn't even cuddle me! And he cuddles everyone."

"I'm sorry Sweetie."

Remus stormed into the bedroom and glared at his sleeping mate. He grabbed a book and hit Sirius waking him up.

"What the hell Moony," Sirius grumbled

"Harry is currently crying and telling James you don't want him."

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