Chapter Eleven

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Harry woke up slowly, he was still sandwiched between his two mates which made him and his omega happy. He wiggled snuggling in deeper as he let out a purring vibration. It wasn't a purr like a cat, but it was more of his vocals vibrating letting out a purring sound and a vibrating feeling at his throat. Completely controllable if one wanted to, but Harry was too happy to really care about it at the moment. He drifted off into a light sleep and woke up only an hour later with Remus and Sirius whispering so as not to wake him.

"It's a natural reaction, it just means his omega is happy and pleased. It's fine. It won't hurt him." Remus said softly

"It's cute." Sirius said Harry sleepily pushed back against him and he tightened his arms around him. "Morning Harry."

"Morning." Harry mumbled clearing his throat to stop the vibration, "I didn't wake you did I?"

"No. I didn't even notice it until I cuddled you because you moved away from me when Remus came back after peeing.

"He's warm."

"Are you cold?"

"Not particularly but I love heat, so in a way, I'm always cold." Harry shifting grimacing slightly when his leg protested the movement.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just everyday leg cramps from sleeping. I'm fine. The sooner I move it the sooner it'll go away. I really need to go to physical therapy again, they pushed me to keep up leg exercised to build strength, but they hurt, and I hate them, and it makes my leg so sore."

"Does James know?"

" hasn't actually come up and it's not something you just say over morning tea."

"Alright lets get you out of bed." Remus rolled out of bed and Sirius followed after a pitiful groan of leaving the bed too soon. "Need help get to the edge?"

"I'm not old, I'm just sore." Harry said amused as he shifted on the plushy bed until he was able to sit on the edge planting both feet on the floor.

"Well, this is new to us... do you need us for anything? We can help you know." Sirius said as he sat beside Harry

"I know but I'm used to it being just me in the morning. I honestly don't know what you could help me with, I've always been insistent about me doing it by myself without my papa or father helping me."

"Well, when you think of something let us know okay?" Harry nodded as he pushed himself off the bed wincing again. "Is it always sore in the morning?"

"Yeah. Though the soreness varies each morning some days it's just a slight ache and other days I actually can't get out of bed for quite some time. I haven't had one of those mornings yet since school started but I'm sure I will soon. Probably on a day I have a morning test just for an extra 'fuck you'." Harry said as he walked up to Remus and wrapped his arms around his neck. "Am I allowed a kiss with morning breath?"

"Harry I've made out with Sirius the morning after he swallowed my cum without brushing his teeth. That was the nastiest thing ever, but I still got hard. So yes, your morning breath will not make me find you any less attractive."

"Good." Harry got on his toes pressing his lips against Remus' gently as he did the same bending down just enough to wrap his arms around his waist. The kiss was simple and sweet before they pulled away then Harry turned and wrapped his arms around Sirius' neck. He didn't have to ask as Sirius was quick to kiss him as he grabbed his hips pulling him closer. Harry pulled away after a moment and tucked his head into Sirius' neck for a few seconds.

"So, I've been thinking about something..." Harry spoke hesitantly as he slowly slid his arms down from Sirius and turned to Remus who was inside the closet.

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