Chapter Thirteen

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The morning went by fast, but by lunch, Harry had gained a high fever which was a sign that meant his heat would start within the next 48 hours. His body grew sensitive as the afternoon passed. He didn't have as many classes as everyone else did so most days he went to his classes then studied or built his nest. His nest was done at the moment, he knew he would be growing it when they are back at Potter Manor where they would be living permanently. Harry knocked on the door to the Wards Studies classroom before poking his head inside smiling when Sirius looked at him.

"Yes, Harry?" Harry stepped into the room and closed the door behind him before he headed up to his mate.

"I just wanted to let you know that my heat will be starting in the next 48 hours, so you have enough time to get a substitute for a week."

"We already have them set up. We did that with Dumbledore before school started. What James can't cover we have substitutes for."

"Alright. Need any help? I'm done for the day anyway."

"Are you up for it? You're not looking so well."

"It's just my body preparing for a heat. High fever and body sensitivity. I'm fine though. Besides, I've never seen you or Remus teach a class yet." Harry said grinning as he looked Sirius up and down. Sirius looked at him and Harry tried to look as innocent as possible.

"Get out." Harry pouted but Sirius didn't budge so Harry sighed heavily and headed for the door.

"Have a nice day Professor Black." Harry said sweetly as he looked back at his mate before closing the door behind him. Harry had a few more hours until classes were over for the day, so he headed back to the room to start his long pile of schoolwork he collected today for the week he'll be gone.


A knock on his bedroom door made Harry jump, he had zoned out and had been daydreaming about future heats and ruts with his mates. He quickly tossed the sheet over himself in case it was James or Lily.

"Yeah?" The door opened and Remus poked his head inside, "oh it's you." He quickly tossed the sheet off feeling too hot for it right now.

"Sirius and I, are you okay?" He and Sirius stepped into the room and closing the door behind them, "James and Lily went out to Hogsmeade tonight so we figured we'd come here and eat with you if you're hungry."

"I should eat, but I don't know what I want." Harry had a fan blowing cool air on his body as he laid on his bed with a thick towel underneath him, so he didn't leak onto the bed. Remus and Sirius climbed onto the bed on either side of him. With Remus taking the left side and Sirius taking the right as usual. They laid on their sides facing him.

"If this is a Preheat what's the actual heat?" Sirius asked

"More needy and urgent." Harry said, "also I won't have a fever or be able to think clearly. I can still think clearly right now. My body won't be as sensitive either, right now if you touch me anywhere I will most like come like the teenager who you keep referring to me as."

"Really?" Sirius asked grinning

"Don't you dare. Seriously My whole body feels like a fucking edged prostate. Well, I mean I'm assuming it does, but still. You get the picture." Sirius of course didn't listen and instead, Harry felt a finger trace his jaw, down his neck, then to a nipple where he only ran over it once making Harry's whole body twitch. "Sirius-" Sirius leaned over and kissed his lips as pinched his nipple making Harry jerk and moaned.

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