Dear Dairy~The End (Chapter 54)

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Peter's POV
~(y/n)'s funeral~
I slipped in my black tie and looked into the mirror. It felt nice, I hadn't taken a shower in two weeks and haven't left my room in two weeks either. Life seemed to stop once I stopped getting her calls, her texts, hearing her laugh, taking her with me through the city, and just knowing she was ok....
I opened my door and walked out and made my way to the kitchen of the cabin. The avengers and I were all staying at the cabin while the tower was being rebuilt and it was to be finished tomorrow. I sat in a chair in the kitchen and ate a bowl of Cheerios and looked out the window. I saw the lake where I swam with (y/n) that one night and tears flooded my eyes. I tuned away and left the bowl
"You all ready?" Steve asked as the rest of the avengers entered the room.
"Yea" Nat said quietly.
"Where's Mr. Stark?" I asked
"Probably in his room" added Clint and I made my way upstairs.
"M-mr Stark?" I asked as I knocked
No answer
I knocked again
No answer
I knocked once more
No answer
I slowly opened the door and the room was pitch black. I flicked on a light and saw Mr. Stark at a desk with whiskey bottles spread around him. He was in a nice suit with black sunglasses on unlike his usual glasses.
"Heeeeeey peterrrrrr!" Mr Stark said
"M-m-mr Stark....are you ok?" I asked
"Hahah no. Well yes I am ooooook but no" he replied
I left the room and got Steve told me he'd handle it and then told all of use to meet them at the funeral.

We all got in a limo and left. Right before the reception started Mr Stark and Steve showed up and Tony was sober. I saw he was still wearing the ring. The funeral flew by and Mr Stark and Steve and Nat all said speeches and I cried through each one.

The funeral ended and we went to the cabin. I cried all the night while sitting in the dock outside under the moonlight. The sun rose and my eyes fluttered open. I must've fallen asleep last night. We all had to pack and head back to the tower. We got there and everything looked the same.

3rd POV
After (y/n)'s death before the funeral and after thing were hard on all the avengers. Tony was hit the hardest. He drank every night and Pepper tried to put him in rehab and he never would go. He drank all his pain away. He wore the ring everyday and made a second one with your name on it and wore that one too. After about 10 months of this he slowly started to stop drinking and would stay sober but visited your grave constantly and was never the same after.
Peter cried every night and would call your phone and leave voicemails and texts all the time. Peter never did stop calling your phone until the number became disconnected so he couldn't anymore and was always numb
When the avengers had to pack stuff to go to the cabin Steve got his leather Jacket back and wore it every single day. Steve never cried in front of anyone and put in a from that he was ok but he really wasn't.

Peter's POV ~1 year after (y/n)'s death
"It's time...." Mr. Stark said
"Are you sure?" Steve asked
"For what?" Bucky asked
"To go into (y/n)'s room and clean it..." Nat clarified to all of us that were confused
"Oh...." I trailed off
"If you aren't ready then don't go but I'm ready and I think it's good closure..." Mr Stark said and then walked away.
The avengers all stood up and followed so of course I followed as well.
We opened up the door to her room. Her bed was still unmade and her desk was a mess but other than that everything was clean.
We spent hours going through her room and each picking out small things to keep. Steve found a bracelet he had gotten her when she was little and a Twix bar that he took. Nat found a makeup kit that was wrapped up and a card that said to Nat. Clint found a arrow that (y/n) had taken once. Bruce took a metal scrap from when (y/n) upgraded her vibranium hand. Mr. Stark took the rose (y/n) had dried from her play performance. I walked around the room and found a pastel book. I grabbed it, after awhile of cleaning we all left and closed her door for good.
It was around midnight and the pastel pink book taunted me from its place on my dresser. I grabbed it and then swung up onto the roof of the tower. I had taken with me a bag of chips so I dangled my legs off the tower and opened the chips. I felt the breeze blow across my face and I smiled weakly. I grabbed the book from my side and opened it. I started to read the book~
                                          Dear Diary,

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