Chapter 35 - Chit Chat

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Chapter 35

Alex's POV

"Another day of hard work, huh?"

I look at my father sitting at his hospital bed, giving me a small smile.

"Yeah," I responded, my bored eyes stared at his before looking away as if I don't even care at all, which is true.

Silence took over the room, nobody tries to lessen this awkward tension for a while, "Alex... I–"

"Alexander," I corrected him, and he sighs.

"Still hating that nickname, huh?"

"If I still did, I wouldn't have corrected you," I nonchalantly said. He furrowed his eyebrows at me as his mouth was left open.

He said in a disbelief voice, "Did you dare to disrespect me?"

"Yes? No? Pick your choice," I bluntly said. He pinched his nose as he exhaled some air.

"How's school?" He asked before adding more, "Did you have a hard time, hm? Are you getting good grades? You didn't scare your teachers, right?" I placed my bag on my shoulder and stood up, "Hold on, where are you going?"


"But, it's too early–"

"Don't worry, I'll text your gold digger lover over here," I said while opening my phone, about to text Selene.


"Don't worry, she'll be coming." I started to walk towards the door.


"What?" My hand is already at the handle as I turn back to look at him.

"Are you still mad at me?" I stared at him for a second before opening my mouth,

"You should know that by now," I opened the door then exit his room and close the door, following a loud shut. I sighed and stared at the ground.

If mom was still alive, will father act like this? Going to bars, flirting with every woman he sees...

"Oh, look do I have here~" A familiar voice suddenly pops up, I look up and saw Jones walking up to me. His hand was in his pocket while the other is waving at me.

"Oh, Jones," We both fist bump each other. To be honest, I only thought we're both going to be just acquaintance but looks like we're both buddies now.

"Now, what made Sir Moneymaker sad?" He teases as I sigh, "Come on, we can take a walk while chatting y'know? Letting your mind off of things"

"Yeah, maybe I need some fresh air–"

"—and a buddy to accompany with~" He gave me a toothy grin, "Please~? It's my break, and I'm bored~" his face shifts from a grin to a pout real quick.

"Fine," I sighed as we both start walking. We chit-chatted about how's his day went for a bit. He ranted how he discovered one of his patients faked a sickness by seeing him so acting... Very opposite to the symptoms of his sickness.

"Enough about me, how about you? You didn't tell me what made you sad earlier," We're both outside of the hospital, sitting one of the nearby bench. I opened the water bottle Jones bought from a store near here before I slightly scratch my cheek.

"It's just that... I was thinking about my mom," I silently chuckled then continue, "I was wondering what would my life be if she's still alive"

"Oh? Good question, I always wonder what my life be if I don't have my baby cousin by my side," He began to form a smile while blushing, "Or maybe what if we aren't relatives, we both are two different strangers then we happened to bump into each other, and th–"

"Your fantasies are getting creepier," I slap his cheek, not too hard, just to snap him out of his fantasies.

"Oh yeah, you never told me about this cousin of yours? You always talk about her nonstop," I took a sip from my water bottle.

"I didn't introduce her to you yet?" I shake my head, "Oh, well then, I am happy that you asked me~" He snickered.

'By the tone of his voice, I believe that I am going to regret this...' I sweat drop.

"Let me show you a picture of my beautiful cousin~" He brought out his phone and press the phone's power button to open it. I look from his side and saw him scrolling through his gallery.

"Here!" He showed me a picture of his cousin.

She has green hair, emerald eyes, fair skin too. She was wearing a sleeveless, white shirt and blue, polka dot pajamas. Her hair is tied up into a messy bun while her visible baby hair stick out of her forehead. She was holding a pair of chopsticks on her right hand while on the left is her phone.

"Isn't she pretty?" He puts his phone away and look at me with sparkly eyes.

"Y-Yeah, she is..."

"Surprisingly, she also goes to the same school as you and the girl you brought here!"

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah," He chuckled.

"Don't mind me asking but, what's her name?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Lila, Lila Vaugh"

"Never heard of her..." I crossed my arms at him.

"Oh, it's because she just transferred here because of my uncle's job, I heard she was doing well at school, making so many new friends," He sighed, "Though, I warned her before that she can't make everyone her friends or else they might take advantage of her..." He scratched the back of his neck while giving a nervous laugh.

"Oh, I see..." I drink from my water again.

"Oh, oh! Tell me that story again~"

"What story?"

"How you saved the princess, which is Mia, from the brink of death~!" I exhaled the air out of my nose.

"Why? Didn't I already told you that before?"

"Because I want to keep talking to you!"

"Or you just want to make your break longer?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"You got me..." He nervously laughed, "You knew me too well..." He pouted at me as I laugh at his actions.

'Of course I can tell that...' I thought as I sighed.

"You really want to hear how I saved Mia, again?" He nodded, "Fine... I feel like you won't stop pestering me if I didn't tell you," He dramatically gasps.

"I would neve–"

"Alexander, sir!" We looked at the source and saw Yu jogging towards us.

"Yu? What's the matter?" He stops in front of our place and pants a little.

"I got a call from the secretary and... The... The director of the C Company wants to meet you in an hour..." I sighed in disappointment. Here I thought, I could at least relaxed from work.

"Looks like I have to cut our chat short,"  I stood up, and gave Yu my water bottle, "It's yours now, buddy," I patted his back.

"Aw, it's alright~ We can always chat some other time," He winked at me while he sticks his tongue out and made a hand peace sign.

"Alright then, we'll be going, go get some rest Jones," I slightly waved my hand at him before walking away with You.

3rd POV

As the doctor watched the duo walk away, he drank all the remaining water from his water bottle before throwing it into the trash nearby.

He shoves his hands into his pockets and felt a soft material inside. He took out whatever is inside his pocket and found a keychain.

"Oh, I forgot to give him the teddy bear keychain for his future lover..." He mumbled as he sighed.

"There's always next time..."

(End of Chapter 35)

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