Chapter 10 - Detention

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Chapter 10

"Step back, b*tch!" I was pushed to my locker by one of the students just because I was "blocking the hallway".

I didn't have the energy to fight back, I'm too weak, I didn't get enough sleep and didn't eat that much.

I winced in pain as I try to force myself to stand up.

"Aww, you wanna stand up? Here, take my hand!" The student with a purple side-shaved hair offered his hand to "help" me stand.

I hesitated but took his hand anyway and he slowly pulled me up.

Huh, I guess he wasn't lying after all...

"Tha– Woah!" He let go of my hand and I fell to the floor, now, his group was laughing right at me

"You should've seen that reaction of yours! It's priceless! Too bad I didn't take a picture!" He laughed like there's no tomorrow.

Haha, too bad, I didn't see it...

I was being sarcastic.

I started to wince in pain when he suddenly steps on my right fingers.

"Try not to block our path, your fat ass is in the way!" He removes his foot out of my fingers and starts walking away with his friends.

I used one of the lockers as support for me to stand up, I successfully to open my locker using my left hand. I grabbed my notes and book for English, I shut the locker door loudly, as I now walk the lonely corridors, going to my class.


"Since you guys already know that English is a very popular language, but it's very complicated." Mrs. Song explains about the history of English

I started to write down my notes until someone threw a paper at my desk.

"Huh? What is this?" I ask myself in a very whisper-like voice. I looked around and saw everyone was writing down.

I looked at my paper again and thought to myself, "This must be another trick... "

I sighed and grabbed the paper, fearing that I might be accuse of littering until it made a sound...

Like a fart sound

I looked at Mrs. Song who has a very uncomfortable look.

"Alright, who did that?" Mrs. Song looked at us with an uncomfortable and annoyed look but hidden with a very curious and a mother-like voice.

"Ma'am, I saw Mia holding a whoopee cushion!" Someone behind me started shouting, "Me too!"

My eyes widen in disbelief, and Mrs. Song went to my desk, her hand reached out, "I'll cut the chase," her finger did the 'give it to me' motion.

"Ma'am, I'm innocent!" Those words were stuck in my throat, my mouth left agape. She noticed the paper I am holding and furrowed her eyebrows.

She grabbed the paper and it suddenly made the familiar sound, as soon as she opens it, she saw a pink plumpy bag.

It's a whoopee cushion.

"Is this what I think it is?" She raised the plumpy bag by its tail and shows it to the class.

"M-Ma'am! I-I can explain!" I stuttered, fearing that I will get in real trouble.

I know that I shouldn't be afraid because I am innocent, but this is Mrs. Song we're talking about! She won't believe you without a proper evidence!

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