Chapter 27 - Oh, Sh*t

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Chapter 27

It's a plain white Jansport bag.

I remember that Mia has that type of bag. She's the only one in our school who likes plain white stuff...

"'It's not what it looks like' huh?!" Jones said in a mocking voice then, pointed his index finger at me and clutched his stomach as he laughed at me.

Out of irritation, I threw a pillow at him while my eyes are full of fury then shouted, "Go to hell you stupid doctor! You don't deserve to live!"

A while later...

Yu is now sitting on a chair while Jones, who didn't hear what I said earlier, is catching his breath from all those laughter.

"Are you done?" I said in annoyance.

"Yes, I... I am..." He paused for a while and starts to burst into laughter.

"What is it this timE?!" I shouted at Jones.

"Nothing, I just remember something funny," He laughed.

"Please don't tell me you are recalling about what happened earli-" He laughed again before I could finish my sentence.

I knew it.

"Get out," I pointed towards the door.

"Jeez, you are no fun," Jones pouted and gave me a sad look.

"Get out if you have nothing to do, you scumbag," Jones dramatically gasp then sigh.

"If you don't want me to tell you about your future lover then I'll leave..." He slowly turns to the door.

I pointed at the door, "do you think I'm kidding? Get out," I said in a serious tone.

"Fine, get well soon buddy," He said and left the room.

"A-Alexander, sir, are you sure you don't wanna hear about her condition?" Yu asks worriedly.

"I can go there and see her for myself... I was hit in the head lightly anyway," I said and Yu sigh in defeat 'cause he didn't want to get into a quarrel with me.

"If you say so," He sighed once more and lowered his head.

"We can go there now," Yu quickly raise his head and look at me with big, shocked eyes.

"What?! No, no, no! You can't!" He waved both of his hands at my face.

"And why not?" I crossed my arms and frown.

"Because the doctor said you need to rest for a few more days and we're ready to go!" He said.

"I'm fine, Yu, and my head doesn't hurt so I can walk perfectly fine, " I reassure him, he looks at me with his purple eyes like he was saying, 'are you sure you're fine?' and blink twice.

"Just accompany me to her room! Gosh, darn it!" I said and he started to throw some reasons at me why I shouldn't leave my room.

This will take a while...

Mia's POV


I heard the door opening. I opened my eyes and saw my doctor, Dr. Jones, holding a plain white bag.

"Ah, you're already awake, how's your sleep?" He asks me, I could only raise my hand and do a thumbs up, signaling that it's alright.

"Still didn't have the energy to talk, huh?" He said with an upset look.

"I do..." I said in a quiet voice.

"But you can't speak in a normal tone," He said then chuckles.

I look at the plain white bag he was carrying and finally, I asked him, "Who's bag is that?"

He was confused for a sec until he looks at the bag, his mouth made an 'oh' expression and raise it a little higher.

"This is my niece's bag, I'm just going to borrow it for the meantime," He made a heart-warming smile and place it on the table near him.

He tucks his orange hair to the back of his ear and pushes back his turquoise glasses.

"How are you feeling, my dear?" He asked again.

"I'm... I'm doing great... Thank you for asking..." I said in a monotone voice.

The room became dead silent, and we're both surrounded by an awkward atmosphere.

"Doctor," I spoke up.

"Yes? Is there anything you need?" He asked so calmly.

"How long was I asleep, again?" I ask.

"Hmm, about 2 months or so,"

"Two month?!" My eyes turn big from the shock. I couldn't believe I was out for 2 months!

"Now, now, you need to conserve your energy," He chuckled and continued, "You know, you should take care of yourself more," I look up at the doctor.

"I'm sorry?"

"I said take care of yourself more," He points at my medical paper.

"You're malnourished! And, and you overdose yourself with those drugs. What were you thinking?" He sighed, "I also found many scars and wounds on your body, good thing it wasn't infected," I lowered my head.

"Are you finish?" I asked.

He cleared his throat, "Yes, I am, I apologize if I sound angry, but trust me, I'm not," He said and nodded at him.

"What made you overdose yourself with those drugs?" He sincerely asks me. I look up and saw his eyes are filled with sympathy and warmth.

"I had enough with that school, I transferred there a few months ago, but I didn't expect that I would see my old 'friends' there," I sighed and continued, "Popular kids, they think that this world is their playground, they think they can control everybody."

My heart started to beat very fast. The doctor notices that I'm getting uncomfortable telling this story, he patted my shoulder.

"Don't worry, I know the story how you were driven to take your own life, a classmate of yours–" He stopped and suddenly said, "Sh*t." His eyes, it's like it was saying, "I should've told her that" Or "Sh*t, I'm so dead".

(End of Chapter 27)

Edited: March 19, 2021

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