Chapter 24 - Nothing but wait

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Chapter 24


I groaned in pain.

"Jeez, how many walls did you punched before you got here?!" Jones complained. After he put some bandages on my knuckles, he smacked them, adding up more pain.

"Ow! What the hell man?!" I hissed in pain.

"Hehehe~!" Jones gave me a peace sign and stuck out his tongue.

"Tch! How about I return the same thing to yo-"

"Ah! No need! No need!" He raised and waved his hands for defeat.

"Plus, I don't want my handsome face to be ruined! I won't be able to 'woo' her when she wakes up..." He fixed his hair and look at his phone if it looks good, "Perfect! Now, I am ready to 'woo' this young beautiful lady!"

This guy...

Makes me wanna punch him even more!

"You...!" I raise my fist but I manage to calm down and lower it down as soon as I saw a nurse writing on her clipboard.

"Tsk, you're lucky that someone is here in this room..." I mumbled under my breath.

"Doctor Louise, I'll be going now." The nurse said and Jones bid goodbye to the nurse as she exited the room.

Before I could raise my fist and continue to punch Jones at the face, I heard a faint moaning sound coming from beside me.

'Mia!' Her name first came into my mind. I quickly went towards her bedside and held her hand.

Out of the blue, her hand began to twitch. Was she trying to communicate? Is she waking up? Is she having a nightmare? A horrible dream that she wanted to escape?

All these questions were rambling inside my head, it made me feel that my head is about to explode from all these thoughts running around.

Until I saw a tear coming out of her left eye. She's crying...

I placed her hand on my cheek, and kissed her palm, trying to say to her, "I'm here... You are not alone..."

I looked at her peaceful face, knowing that there's nothing I could do but to wait for her to regain consciousness...

"Alexander, someone's looking for you," Jones tapped my back and pointed at the door.

"Ah, really? I'll be there in a sec..." Jones nodded and turns his back.

"If you need me, I'll be in my office." Jones places his hands inside his pocket and exits the room quietly.

I look back at Mia, kissing and placing back here hand gently on the bed, "I'll be right back..." I walk away from the lovely, sleeping girl.

I opened the door and saw my driver, Yu, waiting at the door.

"Alexander! Sir! We must hurry... To the company! We have a huge problem!" Yu panicked.

"Huh? Why? What happened to the company?!" I became concern. My heart was pounding hard when the company was added to one of my problems today.

"It's better if you come with me! Hurry!" Yu pulled me until we entered the elevator. Worried about the company, he pressed the "Basement" elevator button loudly.

"Y-Yu, can you just tell me what's going on?" I placed my hand on his shoulder but he didn't respond.


Before I could open my mouth, the elevator speaker began to announce, "Basement".

We exit the elevator and Yu's phone began to ring. He pulled out his phone and it was a call.


I looked at Yu when he checks the caller's ID, his face went from concern to a frown.

"Alexander, please go-ahead to the car first, I need to answer this..."

"Go on..." I left Yu outside the car. While Yu was talking, you could hear his voice. He sounded like he was mad at something or someone.

A while later...

"Sorry for the wait, there's some misunderstanding with a family member of mine." Yu sighs and starts the car.

I wanted to ask him, like a concerned friend I am, but I shook it off because it might be too personal...

The rest of the ride is so quiet and... awkward. Yu didn't start our usual conversation.

Because of the uncomfortable silence inside the car, I didn't notice that I fell asleep and starting to have a dream...

A dream that I never dreamed of before...

That would stick into my mind like glue forever...

(End of Chapter 24)

Edited: March 18, 2021

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