Chapter 1 - Bumping into the CEO

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ARC 1 - Mia Parker: The Beauty in the Dark

Chapter 1





The sound of the rain-filled my ears as I listened to Ms. Flannel's "lessons" And when I mean "lessons" I mean her blabbing about her life since waaaaay back.


"Alright class, remember answer page 116 in your textbook! Now, scram!" Ms. Flannel said as she points to the door

I grab my textbooks and waited for the other students to leave. Once I'm alone, with Ms. Flannel, of course, I started to walk away from the classroom.

"Next up is History Class..." I mumbled, as I reach my locker, I saw drawings and words like "Sl*t" "Loser" "B*tch".

Same old, same old... This is already too cliché...

"Awww I wonder who done that" Sophia Gardens pops out of nowhere, her little friends start to gossip and giggling.

Let me introduce to you the most popular girls in school: Ginger Yang, she's one of my best friends before she left me. Her brown hair is braided so perfectly, as her matching eyes were shining like the stars. Being considered as the "innocent" girl, you'll never know how many guys she dated and had "it" In her bedroom!

Next up is Gina Yang, Ginger's twin sister. She's considered as the cutest and sexiest girl in school. Great description with the girl who has a model's body, with matching brown hair and eye color. She grabs her lip gloss and mirror and starts to apply it on her lips. Many guys had fallen in love with this flirty woman. She'll seduce some guys to get what she wants even if it puts them into trouble.

Lastly, the one and only, Sophia Gardens. With her gold, curly hair, her beautiful blue eyes, her manicured nails, the perfect type of popular girl in this school. She's one of the most beautiful girls in Aotian University. Known to be a "Kind girl with a golden heart" But they didn't know she has an evil side. If your one of her "Losers List", she'll make your life a living nightmare. She's part of the Drama Club so she's excellent in acting the " Kind girl".

In other words, she's good at being a drama queen.

"Stop acting Sophia, I know you did this," I comment back, furrowed my eyebrows.

"What? What are you talking about?! I will NEVER do this to an old friend!" "Friend" Yeah, the word "friend" makes me sick more like an "enemy".

I rolled my eyes, "First, you never been my friend, second, will you ever leave me alone? I did nothing to you," I said as I grab my textbook from my locker.

She dramatically gasps and pretends to cry, "How could you say that to Sophy!" Ginger said as she comforts Sophia. "Yeah! You're such a jerk!" Gina did the same thing as Ginger did.

Everyone started to gather to see what happened. Some gasps, some whispered and some were already gossiping.

"Stop pretending! I'm going to class if we're done." I push other people out of my way. The road to the classroom became too crowded, I kept saying "Excuse me" And "Please let me through".

Successfully passed through the crowd of people, I ran to the class which I bump into someone and dropping my books in the process.

"Ow..." I rubbed my head and look at the person I bumped into.

"You better watch your step, people like you are a pain in the ass..." Such a familiar voice but I didn't wanna look up but I grab my books in the process. I heard his footsteps fading away and start running again.


The bell starts to signal other students to get their brains in class... If they even have brains...

Oh wait,

They don't even have one in the first place.

During History...

History is very tiring, the teacher was reading from the book, no explanation, no writing in the whiteboard, nothing! He just read the words in the book and after that, he'll give us a quiz, which we call the "devil's quiz" Why? The question is up to 100.


The door flew open to reveal a black-haired boy who appears to be in his 20's. His beautiful black eyes and lovely smile suddenly caught every girls' heart in this classroom. He dresses up so neatly like he was very rich.

"What's up Teach?" The boy said as he raises his left hand while the other one is in his pocket.

"Mr. Alexander Feng Xialong, I thought you've learned your lesson? I gave you a whole month suspension for being late everyday!" Mr. Sander scolded Alexander.

That must be his name...

"What can I say? I'm a CEO in my father's business and-" Mr. Sander started to threw his book very hard on the table, I swear, his very scary when he's angry, "I've told you a million times now! You being the ceo of your father's business is not an excuse! Your studies are more important!" Mr. Sander's shout was filled in the quiet classroom while Alexander mouths the words of Mr. Sanders with a disrespectful face.

"Don't give me that attitude young man! A weeks detention! Now go to your seat," Mr. Sander pointed at his table

"Yeah, yeah," Alexander said as he went to his desk behind me.

I sighed and mumbled, "Teenagers these days..."


Mr. Sander slam his hand on the table very hard which surprised me, "Since one of your classmates, was late and was very disrespectful, the quiz for the next meeting will be up to 200 questions!" Everyone, except me, complained to Mr. Sander about the quiz.

"Don't blame me, blame him for being late and disrespectfully talk to me like he is older," He glared at Alexander while Alexander was whistling, acting like nothing happened.

The bell rings which signals for lunch, all of us pack our things and left the classroom.

In the cafeteria...

"Ah!" I crashed to the ground as my orange juice stained my red t-shirt, and some lasagna was stuck in my wavy, blonde hair.

The whole cafeteria was now filled with the student's laughter, I groaned as I rub my head, "Ok, who just tripped me?" I ask as I tried to stand up

"Just look at your face!" Alexander laughed, "You're the one who tripped me?" I ask angrily, I thought it was Sophia or her little minions but this is new...

"Says the girl who bumps into me and didn't bother to apologize," He said as smirks at me "Me? Didn't bother to apologize? Excuse me! Your the one who called me a "pain in the butt" Before I could apologize!" I argued back.

"Now we're even, now go and cry in the corner for who knows how long it is," He said, "Boohoo!" One of his friends started to make fun of me.

"Alexander, this isn't over!" I snap back. I pick up my plate and walked away.

This is far worse than Sophia and her little minions,

Meeting that CEO student is a nightmare!

(End of Chapter 1)

Edited: March 14, 2021

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