Chapter 3 - Office! NOW!

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Chapter 3

Alexander and the guy started to have a fist fight. Alexander started running towards the guy as he screams.

"You've ask for this, motherf*cker!" Alexander said as he punched him but luckily the guy dodged it in time.

While they were fighting, I couldn't help but watch too, I should be home by now...

"What's going on here?!" The principal appeared behind me, "Alexander feng xialong and anthony chen! Office! now!" Everyone started to back away when the principal screamed at both of them.

"Ok, everyone! Show is over! Now, go home and study!" The principal screamed at the students and they left the school gates, while I, Mia Parker, was trying to escape but the stupid rascal grabbed me!

"But sir, she dared me to pick a fight with him~!" Alexander pouted while me and the guy, I think his name is Anthony, stared at each other.

"Oh? Then, Ms. Mia Parker, you're coming too," The principal said and turns his back on us

"What?! But sir! Sir! I didn't do anything! I'm just watching the whole scene!" I complained, "No complaints! Office! Now! He pointed at the entrance of the school.

I looked at Alexander and he was smirking at me. That devil! I'm going to beat him up when we get out of the principal's office!

At the principal's office...

Mr. Greene was lecturing Alexander and Anthony about their behavior while I was sitting behind them.

Let's say its almost 7 pm now.

Why that long? Alexander keep commenting back on Mr. Greene's lectures!

"Mr. Xialong, will you please shut the hell up and let me finish?" Mr. Greene shouted at him and Alexander smirks evilly at him.

"Ahem, as I was saying–"

"Man, did you even comb your hair? It looks f*cking awful!" Alexander cuts the principal again. Me and Anthony looked at each other in the eye, if we're both using telepathy, I bet will be saying, This guy will just make the consequence larger...

"That's it" The principal raised up his hands in surrender, "I'm so f*cking done with you three! You all will be staying here! All night!" The principal stands up and walks out of the door.

"Great, just f*cking great! Now how am I going to football practice?!" Anthony argued at Alexander.

"So? The game is still in a month away" Alexander argued a little and suddenly,


Did you hear it? No? I did, I mentally heard it. It's my anger-o-meter.

"So?! So?! I have plenty of homework to do and this is what i get?!" I screamed at him and covered my face and look at him again, "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" I screamed like a child.

"Who even says I like you? It's clear that you like this jerk" He smirks and points at Anthony.

"I do not!" I screamed blushing, I can clearly see he was in shock, "D-don't believe that jerk!" I screamed at him.

"Who says I believed him? He always jokes around anyway," Anthony said as he glared at Alexander.

"Thanks, Alex, because of you, That girl and I will be in both trouble tomorrow" He crossed his arm while I nod my head in agreement.

"We can do a ton of stuff here like... " He opened the drawer and grabbed an answer sheet, "memorizing the answers here in this piece of paper"

"No," Anthony and I said in the same time in annoyance, "Wait, how about you do that, and we will write an excuse letter for the both of us" The word "we" Made me blush, thinking of me and Anthony together is making me crazy!

I am really in love with him!

I look back at Alexander and he was searching through the drawer of the principal, Good luck if they caught you cheating.

I hissed when Anthony grabbed my wrist, I wish it doesn't hurt that much!

"Something wrong?" Anthony looked at me with those worried and handsome eyes.

"No! No, nothing's wrong!" I said anxiously, I swear, my heart is skipping faster when he looked at me like that.

Strange, I feel something glaring at the both of us. Maybe it's just my imagination


It's 9 pm and all of us had nothing to do, Anthony is just sitting in the corner, my whole arm is itching, but I just rub my arm instead. Alexander... He is reading through the answer sheet... 

Rip Alexander Feng Xialong

Asking how he died?

For reading through the answer sheets and getting caught by the teacher.

"Hey, Ms. B*tch" Alexander called my nickname, "I have a name you know!" I said it's getting annoying!

"I don't even know your name yet~" He pouted. Haha, he thought that his looks will melt my heart? Nope!

"It's Mia, Mia Parker, M-I-A!" I spelled annoyingly, he heard it many times now!

"Okay, okay! Mia, Why are you rubbing your arm so much? Is it itchy? Did you took a shower this morning?" He asks, "Of course I did! Who did you think I am? An unhygienic girl?" I said as I cross my arms.

"You're not you when you're hungry, " He hands me a choco mucho bar, "Grab a snicker"

"That's a freaking Choco Mucho bar" I pointed out, "Pretend it's a Snickers bar!" He threw it at me.

"Why are you giving this to me?" I ask. It's very strange that he's giving me food to eat.

"I remembered I have a snack bar but I don't like rice crisps sooo I thought you might be hungry," He calmly said it.

"Oh," That was the word came out of my mouth, I opened the Choco Mucho and ate it.

It was delicious

Maybe Alexander has a good side after all...

Focus, Parker! You can't lose your guard down around this jerk! But, maybe I should let my anger subdue a little because of how delicious this bar is~

I took another bite of the bar with satisfaction written all over my face.

(End of Chapter 3)

Edited: March 21, 2021

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