Chapter 33 - Lost Memories

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Chapter 33

"My name is Tony Chen," He gave the whole class a small smile. The whole class started whispering to each other.

"Chen? Is he and Anthony brothers?"

"More like twins haha!"

"Wow, he's so handsome, but Anthony is more handsome-r."

I examined Tony, he still had that small smile but his hands slowly turned into a fist.

The teacher clapped his hands to get the students' attention, "I know, I know, all of you have many questions to ask him, but you will get the chance to ask him after class," he said and place his hand on Tony's back, "How about you go and sit next to that student?" He pointed to a certain girl. Tony went up to his seat, ignoring that girl's greeting.

The class was normal when the teacher proceed his class discussions. The classroom was filled with the sounds of scribbling and book pages turning.

"That's the end of the lesson," he puts chalk down the black board, "Now, we have a few minutes before this period ends, I will assign you guys a report about how people with disabilities can be a benefit to our society, which will be due on Tuesday after next week."

"Sir, is this a group report?"

"Yeah, do we get to pick our own members?"

'Please be an individual project...' I mentally crossed my fingers.

"It's a group project, two people will be working together, but..." He trailed off, my guts is telling me that this is bad, "... I'm the one choosing your partner." The students' aww's filled the quiet classroom.

"Don't give me that sound, the last time I let my students pick their members, there are other students that were left out. Hence, some were even rejected after asking the others if they can join them! So I'm not doing it again, I want all of you to have good grades and cooperate with each other." He said with a sigh, "Now, let's begin..."

He put out a cup and instruct us to get a piece of paper and write our names, we did as he instructed and place it in the cup. He starts shaking it and stops then pulled out a paper, "Lila Vaugh and..."

I'm already praying that I'm her partner...

"... Tyler Williams," He wrote down their names and puts the two papers aside.

Lila turns to me and mouths, "Too bad..." with a nervous smile.

He continued doing the same cycle: shaking the cup, stops, grabs two papers, announce the partners, writes it down, set the papers aside and repeat.

There are 4 people left that weren't called, "Ok, Mia Parker and Tony Chen,"

Oh, how amazing...

"So the two left are... Reza Willow and Trixie Dickson," He writes it down.

The sound of the school bell rung throughout the school, signaling that the next-which is the last-class is about to start.

"Discuss the report with your partner and remember it is due in 2 weeks on Tuesday," He reminded us while we were fixing our stuffs, "Good luck," He waved us goodbye as we exit the classroom.

I felt someone place their hand on my head gently, "Look at that! It's our first day on meeting each other again, all of a sudden, we became partners!" It was Tony.

"Again?" Confused, I looked at his face. The height difference is a little... Um, big, I suppose, since I'm on his neck level.

"You really don't remember me?" I shook my head, "Seriously? Figures... Since I left the country for... Purposes..."

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