Chapter 18 - Don't go...

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Song: Joel Adams - Please Don't Go


Chapter 18

At home...

"Welcome home, Sir Xialong..." I was greeted by my maids and butlers when I first entered the house.

"Sir, I have prepared a warm bath just what you requested." My maid, Ofelia, bowed in front of me.

"Thank you... Ofelia, you may do your own thing now." I shooed her away. She thanked me with a smile and walks away quickly.

I went up to my room, and before I open the big white door, I felt something heavy behind my back.

"Big brother! You're home!!" Alexa happily ran to me and gave me an annoying smile.

"How was school~? Did you learn anything?" She leaned forward to my face and asked.

"So-so..." I opened my door and before she utters a word


I slam the door right in front of her.

"Hey! That's rude! Let me in!" She banged at the door and kept on shouting for me to let her in.

"I'll tell mommy and daddy what you've done if you don't open the door this instant!" She threatened me.

Do you think I would open the door scared, and kneel right in front of her, begging not to tell mother and father what I did? Hah, no way I'm not.

I'm not like Alexa who's scared of getting angry by other people and pointing the blame on others for her f*cking problems... Or I'll say mother and father and pointing the blame on me.

"1!" She started counting...

"2!" There's no way I am opening his door.

I flopped to my bed, just listening to Alex counting.

"3!!! I'll call mommy and daddy on you!" She screamed.

"Oh, I am so scared... Please don't call mother and father..." I sarcastically said but loud enough for Alexa to hear what I just said.

"You'll be sorry!" She stomped away until her stomping faded.

Thank goodness she's gone...

I get out of bed just to change into my home attire and flopped to bed again just to sleep.

Sometime later...

"Alex..." I heard a woman-like voice. A very familiar one too.

"Mrmm..." I responded.

"My, my, my little boy is sleeping like a log today." The voice was very calming, it's also very soft...

Is that my mother's voice?

I only heard her voice through videos that Ofelia showed me, since she met my mother before. She also stated my mom loves to film wherever she's out with my father or some friends.

I woke up, panting, and saw my surroundings are full of clouds. I looked at my bed and it was also a cloud!

That's why it's so soft...

"Oh, you're awake!" It was my mother. Not my step-mother, my real mother.

She's standing right in front of me!

"Mom–" I noticed my voice is high. I looked at my hands and they were small.

Did I turn back into a kid?

"Alex..." She mentioned my name again and opened her arms, giving me a genuine and loving smile.

"Mom!" I ran up to her arms and gave me a hug. The hug that I wanted to feel the most. The type of hug that I am sure that I will feel secure.

"How are you, sweetheart?" I could feel her warm hand on my head, playing with my hair.

"Mom! I miss you, oh, why did you have to leave?" I asked her, I can feel my tears running down to my cheeks.

She gave me a sad smile then wiped my tears away, "I'm sorry for leaving you..."

"I-It's alright, mom," I shakingly laugh as I also touch her cheek. She also smiled back at me.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't there when you needed someone the most..."

"It's alright, mom, nobody can predict that would happen..." I gave her a sad smile, my tears are slowly coming out of my eyes again.

"Shh, don't cry... I will always be with you, wherever you go. I love you, Alexander!" She said and disappeared into thin air.

"M-Mom? Where did you go?" I looked around and saw just a few small particles floating. Suddenly, the clouds began to fade away one by one...

"M-mom... W-what's going on?! Where are you?!" I looked around me until all the clouds surrounding me disappear.

I looked down on the cloud I'm standing and it began to fade away.

My heart is racing...

Am I going to die...?

The cloud completely disappeared and I began to fall from the sky.

My life flashes before my eyes, there's nothing I could do.

I'm beginning to lose hope. All I could do is scream.


"Ugh..." I rubbed my head from pain.

Looks like I fell to the floor...

I take a good look at my surroundings until I realize...

I'm back in my room.

(End of Chapter 18)

Edited: March 17, 2021 (damn, I changed Alexander's mother's death by accident whoops–)

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