Chapter 36 - Nice To Meet You!

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Chapter 36

I entered the car, "Let's go home first," I said as I fasten my seat belt, "At least, I could just change my clothes" I said.

"I think it looks great," Yu chuckled.

"Really? I– ugh, just go drive back home, please?" I groaned as Yu hums in response. He started driving the car, we chit-chat a little, mostly concerning about the sudden visit of the C Company.

"I wanted to tell him that you are taking a break from work b–"

"Yu, stop the car," I cut him off as I stare out the window. I felt the car slow down, I slowly rolled the window down and began to stare at a familiar woman who caught my eye; Mia Parker.

"Do NOT touch me!" A woman with green hair raise her voice at the man, who has his arms wide open and wearing a forced smile, as she backs away.

The man was continuously cut off by the green haired woman, until, "NO!" She let out a scream the moment she was crushed by the arms of a big man.

She struggled to break from this person's hug. Furthermore, she opens her mouth to say something, but I couldn't hear properly, 'cause coincidentally, the car was stop at the opposite side of the road, not too far but not too near.

My eyes widened when I look back at Mia, she's smiling. It was so true and bright, a smile that I don't deserve to see it after what've done to her.

She touched the man's arms, presumably trying to loosen his grasp from the girl. When she successfully did, the man opened his mouth to talk to her, not knowing what he was saying, she still wore that same smile. She answered back, following what it looks like to be a giggle.

"Hey, isn't that the girl you saved?" I looked at Yu who was also looking through the window, "What's her name again?" I just nodded my head as an answer.

"Why don't we say hello?" I looked up at him and looked back at her, she looks so beautiful when she smiles. She should do it more often...

Slowly, a frown appeared on my face, who am I to ruin her happiness? "No, thank you," I replied.

Yes, I want to.

"Eh? Why not?"

"Because..." I rolled up the window, "who am I to ruin her happiness?" A pained smile was glued to my face.


"You know, the guy beside her? I bet he will make her a trillion times happier than me, wait no, I never made her happy, just once," I clenched my fists. I wanted to be there by her side, I wanted to see that smile not from this type of distance, but I don't want her to be in pain.

"Let's go, we'll be late," I speak up. I don't deserve to get that treatment from her.

"O-Oh... Alright..." The car starts to move slowly, "Sir? Are you really sure?" He asked. I can see the concern look through the passenger window.

"Yes, Yu, I am 100% sure," I said as I look back to the window and saw Mia staring at the car, "and, why are you driving slow anyway? Are we running out of gas?" I peek through the driver's seat to see if there's any gas left.

"Oh, no, don't worry," he starts to drive at a normal speed. I sit back at my seat and look out the window again. Houses, streetlights, trees are still there, but there's no more sign of her.

Few hours later...

I stretched my whole body after the meeting with the C Company. The cracking from my fingers and body can be heard throughout the whole office of mine.

"He gave me such a headache... All the documents and such are absolutely nonsense..." I sighed as I lean back to my head rest. I rubbed my head to get rid of the headache.

"How about go out and get some fresh air, sir?" Yu came in and sit at the chair in front of me.

"Yeah, I should..." I stood up from the chair and my body automatically stretches, probably due to sitting for a long time. I would be lying if I told you that it isn't relaxing.

"Hey, bring me that hoodie of mine, will ya? I don't wanna go out in a suit, you know?"


"Thank you sir, come again," the store clerk said as I grab my bought snacks from the counter. I nodded my head in response and walk away from the counter to the exit.

"It felt like forever since I last tasted this snacks," I happily sang as I pulled the door.

"Oh, well if it isn't the student CEO Alexander Xialong!" A familiar man's voice suddenly perks up.

I smirked at the marvelous sight in front of me, "why, if it isn't the boy who went to study abroad, how's life holding, Tony?" He snickered a little.

"Well, it's been going great, but let's chat more where we aren't blocking the door"

"Sure, pick your place"

"My pleasure, but first..." He took out some money, "I have a hungry tiger and rabbit waiting," he winked.

Some time later...

The sidewalk that once filled with the noise of silence, is now filled with the noise of two old friends catching up. Laughing and chattering, sharing information about what the other just learned in the other country, etc. It was fun.

"And then, suddenly he told me, 'one day, when I turn 18, I will make you got to jail with me twice!', then I replied, 'Are you stupid?! Do you want the both of us to get life imprisonment?!'" I snorted at his story. He groaned in frustration as he scratch the back of his head. After laughter subdue, the silence filled the air once again.

"Hey," my head turned to Tony, "you still study at Aotian University, right?" I nodded in response. "Do you know a girl name 'Mia Parker'?" He looks at me, seriousness is written on his face.

"I only heard of her, why?" Nice lie, Alexander...

"'Heard?'" He repeated as he raised an eyebrow at me.


"Because I heard from a friend of mine that she was sent to the hospital due to overdosing expired pills, in other words, she was trying to kill herself," he stops in his tracks, which made me stop, facing right in front of me with a glare of fury.

"Not only that, I heard a gossip of what happened by some students," I furrowed my eyebrows as I unconsciously clenched my teeth, "She was seriously bullied, and you were a part of it that made her driven to take that," I stood silent, I know that I have no rights to defend for the sins I have done...

"Silence means you agree?" I gripped at the bag filled with the snacks I bought, "But I just remembered you said you only 'heard' of her, so don't tell me you're lying to me?"

"I'm..." I mumbled out.

I'm sorry
I shouldn't have lied
I want to bury myself with my past regrets

"... Didn't lie about it," I mentally slap at myself. How could I say those horrible words?

He looks at me up and down, before sighing, "Oh well, if you say so..." He starts walking, "I'm going this way, where are you heading?"

"... Home"

"I see... So I guess we should part ways..." We stood silent for a bit, "See you, whenever you plan to go back to school, Mr. CEO student," just like that, he went turned to the left side of the sidewalk, his figure was blocked by the building.

I look at my hands, and they are shaking furiously, I feel like he'e interrogating me about a murder case. I released all the air I didn't know I held in.

I want to atone for my sins to her, but it looks like I'm being a coward to do that. I'm not prepared to apologize to her yet, not after what I just did to her...

(End of Chapter 36)
It's 3am plz send me some sleep magic

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