Chapter 17 - Cherish her

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Song: Nightcore - Sorry (Lyrics)


Chapter 17

At the hospital...


"What happened to her?! Is she alright?!" My panic-o-meter began to rise to the maximum point.

"She's having heavy breathings, we managed to insert some medicine into her to make her calm down." He told me, as he pants and puts his medical mask on.

I approached her, and I was about to hold her hand when she starts to mumble,

"Don't leave... Me..."

I held her hand and kissed it, as I say, "Don't worry... I won't leave you, I promise..."

"Ahem! You're killing the single people here!" I look back at the doctor, who was smirking at me.

"Then, find yourself a damn girlfriend," I groaned at him. He placed his hand on his chest pretending to be hurt and grabbed the tissue near him, wiping his imaginary tears.

Drama king...

"Jokes on you, I already planned on 'wooing' her when she wakes up." He n began to chuckle in a serious tone. This makes my blood boil.

"F*cking doctor, I swear I will cut your f*cking doctor hands if you–"

"Alright! Alright! You win! Please don't do that...!" He cut me off as he raised both of his hands in mid-air.

"Now, is there anything wrong with Mia? Why is she screaming?" I questioned him.

"Let me check..." He grabbed his paper and read the paper if there's something wrong with her.

"No, she's alright. But, for the screaming part, is there anything that made her traumatized? Any childhood trauma? " He looked at me, as he placed back the papers to the table and place his hands in his pockets.

"I... I don't know what happened in her childhood, but all I know that she was abused, physically and mentally in school..." I lowered my head in guilt, and my voice has a tone of pain.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my back, patting me. I looked back and I saw the doctor, comforting me as if he understood.

"I can tell that you're a part of it huh?" He questioned me as he smiles, but I did not dare to answer that question because...

That memory makes me want to tear myself apart from guilt and madness.

"Silence means yes~" He teases me and I glared at him, making him cough, as he turns back to his serious face.

"Anyway, I can actually relate to you but... A little bit... Different?" He said, making me curious.

"Go on..." I said.

"A few years back, I was a bully, everyone is afraid of me. I don't belong to a rich family by the way. I prank the teachers, beat up students for fun and steal their stuff. Then a few weeks later, she appeared-"

"She? I thought you were gay?" I cut his sentence which made him shock.

"I am not gay!" He yelled at me as I chuckled.

Are you sure about that?

"Ahem, back to the story, she was kind, smart, and even popular! She was always happy, she even dares talk to a bully like me...!" He smiled sadly, looking at the ground with guilt.

"So you fell for her didn't you?" I ask.

"Yes. Yes, I did," He exclaimed. I noticed that his eyes lit up as he continues to ramble on and on about her.

"But, I'm afraid to admit it. I'm afraid that everyone will come me a weakling, a sissy." He leaned at the wall, as he looked up, his bangs covered his sad and regretful eyes.

"After I knew I fell in love for her, she became my victim, I beat her up, vandalized her stuff... Heck, I even ruin them anyway. But she still gave me that warm, kind-hearted smile, the type of smile that will be stuck in my mind forever." He said.

He is even worse than me...

"One day, I came back to her desk to ruin her stuff more, until I saw some medication pills and an inhaler. At first, I thought it was nothing important. Maybe she brought these things for me to stop what I am doing to her. So I broke it..." He stops and coughs after that.

"Are you-"

"Anyways!" He cuts me off!

'This guy...' I cursed him mentally.

"After school, the same schedule as always, torture her until the end of the day, but, at that time, I locked her up in a dusty, unused room. I made her stay there overnight until the next day, one of the school's staff found her lying on the floor, like not moving. They send her to the hospital immediately, and that's when I knew the medication pills and the inhaler... She was sick all along."

"She has asthma?" I questioned him.

"Yes, but there's another one too, it's actually an unknown sickness..." He answered me.

This poor guy... He must've been petrified at that time...

"Did... She... The girl, did she survived?" I could guess that she didn't by the look of the doctor's eyes.

"Sadly, no... She died when she arrived at the hospital..." Guilt, anger, regret... Sadness... Yeah, you can tell by looking at the expression of his eyes.

"After her death... I transferred to another school because of the heartache and regret that I felt. At that time, I was angry at myself, I began questioning myself 'why did  I do that?' All these 'Ifs' entered into my mind like there is no end," He lifts up his bangs with his hand, wearing an upset smile on his face.

"Last question, how did you become a doctor?" I asked him one last time. He looked at me and chuckled.

Did I ask something wrong?

"Well, to prevent people, who have the same situation as the girl I told you, I took the course of being a doctor! When I was ready to go outside and help other patients, I was happy. One of my old classmates in my old school was shock when they knew I was a doctor." He chuckled. He actually wears a real smile.

That's nice...

"You know, you should cherish the person you love the most like your own. You're lucky that she was still alive when she arrived here. Yes, from the stories you told me about her, she might hate you when she woke up, but try to treat her differently because... You already found someone that you could fall in love with, someone who could make feel the warmth inside your heart, even if she doesn't have the same feelings for you, she will start to have less hatred towards you until she becomes more comfortable with your presence," I listened to his advice, I looked at sleeping Mia and began to smile.

He's right.

I should cherish her as my own...

Even if she doesn't feel the same way...

(End of Chapter 17)

Edited: March 17, 2021

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