Chapter 31 - Tea and Feelings

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Chapter 31

Lila wiped her tears, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't bother you..." She gave me a painful, yet forceful smile then turned her back from me.

"Please, wait!" My voice cracked. I grabbed her by the back of her clothes

Realizing what I did, I turn red, 'wh-what am I doing? At least I stop her right? Should I invite her inside? Or should I apologize first?' My thoughts went into panic mode, I don't know what should do next.

"Um, Mia...?" I look up at Lila, her cheeks are tinted with pink, "M-my s-shorts... Please let go..." I looked at what I'm holding, gasping in shock, I let go.

I covered my face with embarrassment, "I-I'm sor–"

"Mia, it's alright... You look like you want to tell me something... Am I wrong?" She pats my shoulder, reassuring me everything is fine.

"U-um, i-inside... Tea... Now?" I point to my apartment and she wears a happy yet sad smile.

"I accept your invitation," She said.

We went inside and close the door behind me. When was the last time I invited someone over? Probably 13 years ago.

And it was back in my old home.

"Take a seat, I-I'll get the tea ready, " I said and Lila smiled a little in a thankful manner. She sat on the table, and we were both silent. The atmosphere we're both in is awkward.

I boiled some water and brought out some tea packets from the shelf above the sink.

I stared at the packets and suddenly my mind replay Lila's sudden apology. I frowned at the sudden memory.

I'm the one who should be apologizing... Not you...

A poke from my back sent me back to reality.

"Hello? Mia? Are you alright?" Before she could say another sentence, I suddenly shouted, "Ah, water! Boiling! Off!" I turned off the stove to silence the sounds of the kettle.

Lila cleared her throat, "Looks like you're fine now, I shouldn't bother you for now..." With a small chuckle and sad smile, she went back to her seat.

Her smile somehow shattered my heart into pieces. I feel sad and guilty when I remember how my words hurt her.

I finished making some tea and went back to the table. I gave Lila her tea before I could seat down.

"Thank you and sorry, if I bother you from your homework..." She apologized with a smile again.

"Y-You..." I sniffed.

"Hm? Ah?! M-Mia! You're crying again!" She gasped, "Did I say something wrong? Did I do something to make you sad?" She panicked with guilt, seeing her in this state makes my heart break into pieces even more.

"N-no... I-I... You shouldn't apologize! I'm the one at fault! I should be the one apologizing, not you! You didn't even do anything to harm me... But why? Why?!" I lowered my head when I started to burst out in tears.

"Didn't you said that I'm annoying and you never want to se–"

"Yes! I did! Because I saw you with Sophia when I first saw you, I thought you were one of 'them'! I was scared when you were trying to get close to me... I tried to push you away but somehow, I didn't feel a threat from you... My conscience was telling me to accept you but I was afraid to do that..." I cut her off. I looked up and I saw her emerald eyes softened as she pats my head.

"So that's why..." She said, "You fear that once we become friends that I'll be like her?" I nodded in response as she sips her tea.

"So what if I want to be best friends you? My life has got nothing to do with that Sophia, " She replied and continues, "It's my choice if I want to be friends with you or not!"

"What if they do something to you and..." I stop talking when I remember how I was framed for creating a s*x scandal around the school. The memory sends shivers through my whole body.

"So what? The truth will come out someday, Mia, trust me, like in the comics and animes, the bad guys will always lose!" She shows her optimistic side.

"Lila, this isn't a comic world or anime, this is real life," I said, I'm beginning to think that she might be the type of girl to fantasize.

"Yes, yes, I know, but they will receive the consequences in the end, Mimi," Realizing what she just said, she quickly apologize, "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't call you that–"

"It's fine, Lila, call me whatever you want!" I wipe my tears, "Didn't you said that the reason why you call me Mimi because you're delighted that I became your best friend?" I smiled brightly with enthusiasm.

Lila smiled back, "Alright, if you're Mimi, then I can be Lili! No... Lala! Maybe Lili is good..." I snickered at how Lila is thinking of her own nickname.

"I prefer Lila more," I answered.

"Eh? Why?" She asked.

"Lila is Lila. Lila can be loud and over excited but she's very optimistic and friendly to everyone around her. My best friend Lila is unique, no one can ever replace her," I said then take a sip on my tea.

"You have a sweet side after all," She giggled, "After this tea, we will watch anime! I say, Kaguya Sama: Love is War!" She said with her eyes twinkled.

"I'll pass, I have homework," Calmly, I declined while forming an 'x' with my fingers.

"Then, after you finish your homework, we shall have a sleepover! A celebration for our fixed friendship!" She set out the plan.

"I'm going to stay up all night, Lila," I said, but her face is still beaming with happiness.

"Then I, Lila Vaugh, shall assist you with your homework!" She places her hand to her chest, looking proud.


"No buts! Let's start working!" Filled with determination and motivation, she went to my desk and carry all my homework to the table, "Shall we start, Mimi?"

I sighed in defeat, "You're hopeless... Fine, we shall begin," I said with joy and excitement.

And so, Lila and I worked on finishing my homework until 3 am. For the first time in years, I had fun while doing homework.

We're tired yet glad, well, mostly me, because I have Lila by my side now.

(End of Chapter 31)

Edited: March 21, 2021

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