Chapter 14 - Comatose

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ARC 2 - Alexander Feng Xialong: The Devil Who Lives in the Shadows

Chapter 14




The sounds of the hospital's heart monitor filled my ears.

"Mrmm..." I slowly opened my eyes and look around my surroundings. I remember that I'm in a hospital.

With the girl, who is peacefully sleeping on the hospital bed...

I stroke her hair gently, admiring how soft and fluffy it is.

"Mia..." I mumbled her name, began to twirl her hair.

"Excuse me, sir?" A doctor suddenly appeared behind me, looking at me with a worried look.

"Y-yes?" I stuttered.

"I think you need to go home and rest for a while..." He said worryingly. He pointed out the eye bags under my eyes, my swollen eyes, and I started growing some facial hair.

"She won't be happy seeing you looking like... A haggard..." He emphasizes.

"She and I aren't dating..." I sighed in pain.

"Oh? What is your relationship with her?" He questioned me and looks at his medical papers.

"We're..." I stopped and began to question myself,

What did she see in me?

What is my relationship with her?

She sees me as her enemy since I was part of this disaster...

"It's... We're just classmates..." I lowered my voice, guilt taken over me. The doctor nods and slaps the back of my head

"What the fu-"

"No swearing in my hospital young man!" He cut me off.

"Why did you fu-"

"Stop living in sadness! She will be fine! Just go home, fix yourself, and enjoy your life for a while! I'll contact you when she wakes up," He said and flicks my forehead.

F*cking doctor...!

He pulled me out of my sit and push me out of Mia's hospital room.

"Live your life first, young man! You have my number right? I have yours! I'll call you! Bye~!" He shuts the door in front of me.

What the fu- what kind of doctor is that?!

Pushing the visitors out of his room!

Ugh, I can't deal with this doctor anymore...

I sighed and walked away from her hospital room to the parking lot. Searching for my car, I felt a tap in my shoulder.

"Alex! What's up?" A girl tapped on my shoulder. My eyes twitches when I heard her calling my nickname.

"Alexa? What are you doing here?" I looked at Alexa with a confused look.

"Well, daddy was here in the hospital! I came here with mommy!" Alexandra became sad while twirling her brown hair.

"That's what he gets for going to the club almost every night." I sighed and turned away from her, starting to walk away.

"Big brother! Where are you going?!" She pulled my arm, stopping my tracks, begging me to come with her using her puppy eyes.

She does this every time to get what she wanted...

"Home," I looked away from her creepy puppy eyes, as I untangled her hand from my arm, and started walking to my car.

At the distance, one of my bodyguards saw me and waved at me, while the others bowed in front of me as I approach them.

"Boss..." My bodyguard opened the door and looked at me with a worried look.

"Just... Drive" I get in the car and crossed my arms and legs.

When we all got inside, the car starts moving, suddenly, my driver starts asking me, "Boss Alexander, are you sure... That you don't wanna visit your father?"

"That old man can take care of himself. He has his 'beloved family' with him anyway. I only came to the hospital to visit her, " I gritted my teeth and clench my fists in anger.

"Aah... Young love..." My driver starts fantasizing and I slam his car seat in anger.

"Keep your eyes on the road, dammit!" I raised my voice at him.

"Y-yes, sir! I'm sorry! It won't happen again!" He began concentrating on the road.

I look at the hospital at the distance as I began to calm down.

Please wake up...

I'll be back soon, I promise Mia!

(End of Chapter 14)

Edited: March 17, 2021

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