Chapter 32 - Mr. Buff Guy

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Chapter 32

The cafeteria, the aroma of delicious, freshly made food filled the whole room. Many students from different cliques come here to fill their hungry stomachs.

I look around and listen to the students chattering happily with their friends. I sip on the straw of the milk carton while studying for the next topic for my class.

"Eh? Even in recess, you're still studying?!" My attention went to the green ponytail girl, Lila Vaugh, she continued, "Don't you get bored from studying all day?" She places her tray down the table.

"Oh, um, it's a habit of mine to study anywhere..." I answered nonchalantly

"Waaaaah, even in the bathroom?!"

"Not there," I said in a monotone. She laughed and started eating her food.

3 weeks has passed since our first meeting and petty little argument, both of us are getting along pretty well. I discover a lot of stuff about her like her love for anime and mangas, not to mention yaoi (also known as boy's love), and her cousin is the doctor who took care of me in the hospital, even her love for the human body. She said that it's her dream to be a forensic doctor.

"By the way," She starts talking with her mouth full, but before she could speak, she was interrupted by a handsome, tall guy. He has golden-brown hair that reaches his ears and brown eyes. He's wearing a black shirt underneath a blue jacket, and some long black pants. His shoes are white with the Adidas brand.

He and Lila stared at each other for a while, until Lila's jaw drop, "Y-y-you-"

He gave her a confused look, "What about me?" He asks.

"Y-you're that guy from earlier!!" She chokes from her food due to shock.

"Are you choking?!" He asks her in a panic. The only response he gets is coughing and hacking from her.

Of course, she's choking... Idiot...

"We need water!" He immediately grabs his water from his bag and opens it for her, "Let me help you!" He poured ALL of the freaking water inside her mouth!

"Are you trying to kill her?!" I yelled in a panic and went behind her. I place my fist to her stomach and my other hand on top of it (like I'm hugging her) and start thrusting her stomach repeatedly until the food shot right out of her mouth, which landed beside my milk carton.

"Thank... Thank you..." Lila panted as the tall guy caressed her back gently.

Lila looks at the guy for a few seconds and stood up, "You're the guy from earlier!" He blinked twice in response.

"Um, Lila... You know him?" I whispered into her ear.

"That guy has a buff body!" She whispered back.

'I don't care about his body!' I mentally facepalm at her answer.

"Um, have we met before, pretty girl?" He awkwardly smiled at her and scratch the back of his head.

"O-oh, I'm flattered with your choice of words~" Lila smiled and blushed while looking away with her hands on her cheeks.

"That doesn't answer the question, Lila!" I whispered-yelled at her.

"Oh yes," she cleared her throat, " He was in the school parking lot, cleaning his car–" I'm surprised the school allows that, "–and he was half-naked." I choke on my own saliva.

"Oh, um, it was hot and–"

"Baka, it's snowing! I was wondering why you were half-naked!" Lila cut him off and puff her cheeks.


"Oh, uh, yes! Snow... Uh..." He has pink tints on his cheeks from embarrassment.

"I know, you're a pervert! You want to attract the ladies with your beautiful face and hot six-pack abs while washing your stupid car!" Lila smirk, maybe thinking she got the cat out of the bag.

"Uh, no, my car window got dirty because of the windshield, and I don't have a towel to wipe... So, I used my white shirt to clean it," he nervously chuckled.

While Lila was scanning him if he was telling the truth or not, he continued, "Good thing I bought a spare of clothes with me, or else I would have entered the school with only a jacket!" He looks Lila with a smile, "Is that enough to clear your suspicions, miss?"

Lila jolted from her seat, "Y-yeah... But that doesn't mean that I trust your story! I still believe you're a pervert! Hmph!" She crosses her arms and puffs her cheeks again.

"Believe what you want, but I already told you my side," He chuckled at Lila before turning to me, "Aren't you-"


The guy was cut off with the school bell, signaling that the next period is about to start.

"I'm sorry, but we need to get to class, come on Lila," I grab my bag while Lila grabs hers.

"I understand, this is not our final talk y' know?" I look at him with confusion.

What is he talking about? What is this 'final talk' his talking about?

"See you later, Mia Parker," He turned his back as I watch his figure getting smaller and smaller until it was gone.

"Hmph, who is that guy and why does he know your name?" I turn to Lila; she was puffing her cheeks. I giggled at her actions and we began to walk.

We arrived in class and we both sat at our desks, I was in the second to the last row of the desks, next to the window, while Lila is in the middle of the first row. My thoughts are filled with that guy, his last words came into my mind...

'See you later, Mia Parker'

I didn't even tell him my name... How did he know...?

The teacher arrive in our class, and place the book on his desk, "Alright, students, we have a student who just came back from abroad, come on in!" The teacher looked at the student with a big grin.

My eyes grew bigger when I saw him enter. Familiar golden brown hair, and brown eyes, and the same clothing that the guy before was wearing.

"Nice to meet you all, my name is Tony Chen."

My heart sank to the depths of my stomach when I heard his last name.

(End of Chapter 32)

Edited: March 21, 2021

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