Chapter 11 - Picture

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Chapter 11


The bell rings which means it's the end of our second class. Alexander and I were hiding in one of the empty rooms, so the hall monitor won't catch us.

I recall Alexander's words that still giving me the shivers:

"If the hall monitor will bring us to the principal's office if he caught us!"

Suddenly, I felt something on my shoulder that breaks my thoughts. As I turned around, I can hear someone snoring.

I saw that Alexander was sleeping on my shoulder, looks like he didn't get any normal sleep these days. I moved my shoulder that made him shot up awake.

"What?! Something happened?!" Alexander has a panic look and went into defensive mode.

"Your head is very heavy, plus the second class is done, we should get our stuff!" I stood up and grabbed my bag and head out of our hiding place.

"Hey! Hold on!" Alexander started chasing me and I ran away just trying to get away from him.


I arrived at my locker and someone vandalizes it...





And many more

I tried not to notice these words but they're already stuck into my mind.

"Awh, is little Mia is gonna cry~?" I turned around and saw Sophia and her little gang giggling

"Oh, what do you want now, Sophia?" I growled at them but when I was about to walk away, someone grabbed my arm

"Hu-?!" Someone covered my mouth as I started whispering to my ear, "Oh, we're not done yet, honey." Sophia's voice echoed through my ear and pushed me.

"Boys, I'll leave it up to you now~!" Sophia said it in a seductive tone and gestured with her hand, signaling them to start what they're about to do.

"Oh, this is going to be so much fun!" The buff guy started cracking his knuckles, as I tried to cover myself with my arm.

"Let's go and beat this nerd!" Another buff guy was warming up his arm as they suddenly dragged me to someplace to beat me up while I was begging them to stop.

Of course, no one would listen.


"Do you think you can just skip class just to sleep, Ms. Parker?" Sir James smacks his hand on his desk, you can tell that he was very angry that he saw me lying down in the back of the school, unconscious after getting beat up by those guys.

"S-sir, I wasn't sleeping! Can't you see-" He stops ny sentence.

"Stop with the tricks Ms. Parker!" Sir James took his glasses off and he stared at me.

"Don't you ever trick me with those fake bruises! I've seen many students doing that so they can escape my class!" Sir James exclaimed

"B-but sir-"

"No more fake excuses! Give me your homework and go back to your seat!" Sir James puts his glasses back and reaches his hand out.

When I was searching for my Home Economics homework, I started to notice that's not in my bag! My eyes widened and kept searching for it.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no! I've worked so hard for that homework for weeks!" I thought as I started to panic mentally.

"Where's your homework?" Sir James raised his eyebrow and I knew with that eyebrow raised, I'll get scolded again.

"S-sir, m-maybe I l-left in my l-lock-" I was cut off with another smack on the table.

Sir James was furious...

"You left it at your locker?! Hah, Don't tell me you didn't do your homework!" Sir James raised his tone at me.

"S-sir I-I-"

"Stop! Talking! I don't want to hear your petty lies! You're trying to escape my class! I knew it! With that stuttered voice of yours!" He cuts me off again, he started to breathe slowly until he calmed down.

"Ms. Parker..." Sir James called out my name with a low voice.

"Y-yes, sir?" I respond.

"Sit down before I'll go crazily mad at you... " He pointed at my seat with a hint of a bit of anger.

"Y-yes, sir..." That's all I can respond, I went to my seat, and Sir James starts the lesson.


"Ok, that's it for class! Remember to read the next chapter, because I'll ask questions about it!" Sir James announced about the recitation we will have by Friday.

All the students left the classroom except for some cleaners and me, as I packed my stuff.

I put my bag over my shoulder and exit the classroom. As I walk to the hallways, I saw some students are gossiping and whispering to each other, some of them gave me a disgusted look.

What are they talking about anyway?

As I was stuck in my sea of thoughts, I bumped into someone which made me return to reality.

"Oh, sorry..." I apologize quickly as I looked up and Alexander gave me a glare.

"Seriously, watch where you're going, dork!" Alexander was there, I tried to go to the right side but he blocks that path...

When I go to the left side, he did it again!

Alexander growled and pushed me out of the way and I hit to a group of students, which one girl caught me.

"Oh my god!" A petite girl pushed me again, and I hit to the ground.

"Jessie! I hand me the alcohol, quick! I touched something dirty!" She shrieked and Jessie quickly gave her the alcohol.

I slowly got up, enduring the pain all over my body, walking up to my locker.

Before I reach my locker, many students snickered. I ignore it, maybe just some petty gossip.

When I look at my locker, there's multiple pictures of... Me?
(End of Chapter 11)

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