Chapter 10

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I wakes up in the morning and I'm alone. Where's my boyfriend? Where's Jongkook oppa? I searching for him. I tried to remember what happened last night. While I still trying memorize things, someone is infront of the bedroom door. Looks like he had just finished work out. He is wearing white singlet and shorts. And he's sweating too.

"Wake up already?.."

"Uh.. yeah... where am I?.."

He look at my messy hair and smile looking at my blank face.

"You don't remember?.."

He's still smiling.

"I..don't know.. why I'm here?.." I said. Still blank.

"I kidnapped you yesterday night when you're sleeping and I bring to my house.." said Jongkook and looking at me with his weird and naughty face.

I sit on the bed and Jongkook is walking towards me then sit beside me. I still trying to remember everything and Jongkook oppa is starring at me.

"Hey baby, you are sleeping with me last on the same bed.."

"Yaaaa Kim Jong Kook!!.. " I hit him with the pillow.

"Ahahaha Jess seriously you don't remember?.. "

"I did but... I'm not sure..."

"Yah... it's dangerous you know. Anyone can kidnap you and bring you to a secret place.. please be alert baby.."

I just nodded. But there's something important that I want to know.

"Err.. oppa.. Last night...we don't...we did not..." I don't know how to put in words and scratch my head even it's not itchy.

"Say it clearly my love.."

"Errr.. we don't do anything besides sleeping.. right...?.."

Jongkook oppa just laugh.

"Baby, do you remember I'm wearing towel last night? Do you remember my sexy body?.."


"We became 'one' last night baby.. you're begging me in your can I refuse that? It's fun you know.." he said and looking at my lips.

"Ahhhh!! Oppa!!! What are you saying?!!!.." I quickly cover my face with the pillow. I feel really ashamed.

But I don't feel anything weird at my ladies part.

"Baby, do you want to know how we start? First, I kissed your lips and down to your neck. And then..." he started being naughty.

I cupped his mouth using my hand.

"Stop that Jongkook oppa!!! I don't want to hear can we..."

"Hahahaha baby..we didn't do anything.. don't worry... I just tease you.."

"Yahhh oppa!!! How dare you..."

I pinch his nipples so hard and he is screaming like crazy. He try to calm me down by hugging me and kiss my lips. I stopped and kissed him back with full of love. Our love fights paused when my mobile phone ringing.

"Oh it's my manager.."

"She don't know you're here?.."

"I forgot to tell her that I'm here.."

I gives sign to Jongkook oppa to keep quiet.

Me : owh hello?

Manager : Jess, where are you?

Me : I'm at Jongkook oppa's house. Why?

Manager : Ah ~ I just want to tell you that Running Man PD invite you to be guest on the next week's episode. And you must come for Filming tomorrow.

Me : oh really??? Wow I'm looking forward for tomorrow's filming. Thanks for telling.

Manager : It's my job right to tell you. Another one, you have photoshoot today at 3pm. Do you want me to pick you up?

Me : Urr.. nevermind. I'll ask Jongkook oppa to send me.

Manager : oh okay. Btw, what's the relationship between you and him?

Me : errr.. actually we have a special relationship right now. Hope you understand what I mean. And please don't tell anyone about this. It's a secret.

Manager : ah ~ no wonder... sure I'll not tell anyone about this. Remember you've photoshoot today. I'll text you the address. Have fun with your new boyfriend! Bye!!

Me: hahha okay thank you so much.. bye.

------End of conversation-------

"What's wrong?.." Jongkook oppa ask.

"Good news oppa!! I'll be the guest on the next week's episode!! And I must come to filming tomorrow.. can I come with you oppa?.. " I said and do my cute face.

"Awww that's cute baby...sure you'll come with me. But remember, don't act like we're couple. Just act like we're strangers. Okay?.." he said while pinching my cheeks.

"Yes, sir!!! Hahahhh btw, I need to take my shower now. I have photoshoot on 3pm. Can you send me, my lovely baby?.."

"Of course my girl ~ let's take shower together please.. I'm sweating here.. let's go.." he said and takes of his singlet.

"Yah Jongkook!!!! We can do it later right? Not now!!.."

"Aish... okay okay.. I'll wait for it again..but before you go, please take off everything here.. please??.." he already being naughty. I hit him again and walks away but suddenly he hold my hand. Then he pull me to his bare chest and gives me a hot smooch on the lips. With his strength, how can I escape.. so I kiss him back.

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