Chapter 41

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The next day, I woke up and saw Hani eonnie is still sleeping. I walk slowly to Jongkook oppa's room, afraid I would wake her. I enters his room. He's still like yesterday, didn't show any progress. Lying helplessly.

"Hey oppa, you've been sleeping all the time. And I wake up earlier than you... when you're gonna wake up? I miss seeing you smiling.. I miss when you kiss me everytime I wake up... are you still tired? You wanna have more rest?...." my eyes started to teary again. I can't control my feelings. I give a long kiss on his forehead. After that, I didn't realize that the nurse is already there. I walk outside and find Hani eonnie already wake up.

"Hey..." Hani eonnie give a smile.


"You looks so tired. Do you have enough sleep?..."

"Erm no..."

"Let's go back and rest..."

"It's okay... I'm scared......"

"What do you mean?..."

"I'm scared that he might leave me.. I'm scared he might go to somewhere I don't want him to be.. I'm scared if I leave the hospital, I'm gonna receive a call telling bad news... I'm scared, eonnie...."

"Jess, don't think negative. You're a positive minded and strong person... you can't break down now.. Jongkook oppa needs you... and so do you.. I'm sure he can feel your spirit..."

"I don't know.... I..."

"Jess, you're weak.. did you eat the sandwich that I bought for you?..."


"See... you didn't eat and you didn't have enough rest, right?.. let me go get something for you to eat..."

"No it's okay! You stay and I'll go. I need some fresh air too..."

"Okay... I'll wait for you..."

I left and head to the cafeteria. I feel really tired and no energy to recharge.

After buying some food, I walk back to the ICU. As I opens the door to the corridor, I saw many people gathers around the doctor. There's Jongkook oppa's family, my family, Jaesuk oppa, HaHa oppa, Seokjin oppa, Jihyo eonnie, Kwangsoo oppa, Gary oppa, Kai, Jimin and even Running Man PD. Everyone looks hopeless. I walk faster, afraid something is wrong with Jongkook oppa.

"Jongkook had not shown any progress. And I'm afraid to tell you, he's getting weaker. His pulse, his heart is beating slower. I really want everyone to think positive. Let us pray hard..."

I drop everything after I heard the doctor said that. I turn around and leaves. I don't know what to think. I'm really afraid. Without knowing I'm now on the top of the hospital building.

"Aaaaaaarrghhhhh!!!!!! waeeeeeeee!!!!!" I scream as loud as I can. I start kicking around with my tears flow rapidly.

"Jessica!.." Hani eonnie calls me.

I cannot control my feelings right now and I just ignores whoever or whatever came to me.

"Jessica, calm down..." said Jihyo eonnie.

I felt down on my knees and stares to the ground.

"He'll be okay, right?.."


"He'll be okay, right?? I believe him. He told me that he won't leave me. No matter what. I believe him!.."

"Jess calm down...." Hani eonnie tries to calm me down.

"Jihyo eonnie, he loves me right? Jongkook oppa loves me right?!.."

"Yes, he loves you so much.. you have to calm.. you have to be strong. He'll fight for it..."

"Yes.. I'll be strong... for him.. I know he won't leave me..."

"Yes. Let's go down now. Let's be around him. Try to talk to him. I'm sure he can hear us.."

I agrees and follow them going down.

When I reached down, I tries to smile to everyone outside the room. But it turns out to a bitter smile.

"So everyone has seen Jongkook oppa?.." I asks.

"Yes. Are you okay?..." Kwangsoo oppa asks.

"Yea I'm okay... I must be okay right?..." I smile and walk to the room. I sit next to Jongkook oppa on the bed.

"Oppa, still sleeping? Hmm.. You know what, the doctor said something creepy about you. I know he just teasing, right? I know you're on your way to see us. Hurry up, oppa. Don't you miss me? Don't you miss your family? You need to wake up, baby.. if you don't wake up, I'll find another boyfriend. HaHa oppa, Kwangsoo oppa, Jimin are already seduce me. But I choose Kai. I know you don't like it, right? Wake up! If you don't wake up, I'm gonna lie on your bed and make your house dirty. If you don't wake up, I'm gonna bring Kai to Bali. You have to wake up even if you don't care about all I said...... and if you don't wake up, I'll follow you soon........." I close my eyes. Holding his hand tightly and controlling my tears from dropping.

Then I recall back the memories when we're in Bali.

"Oppa, do you still remember our vacation in Bali? When you sang my favorite song? And do you remember when we're at the beach? We took pictures, we hugging and we made a promise. Do you still remember? Oppa, don't you miss the moment when we're kissing, cuddling and hugging? It's really romantic.. oh and when we won the dance competition. Remember?..."

When there's no response from Jongkook oppa, my smile faded. I put my head on his hand and look at him for a few seconds. Then I lay on his hand and close my eyes. Hoping miracle to happen. But then, I feel something moving and touching my hands. I look at to Jongkook oppa and saw him scratching my hand, weakly. I look at him unbelievable.

"Oh my God! Jagiya... jagiya, do you hear me??? Oh my God!.." I press the bell on Jongkook oppa's bed and call for the doctor. I can't express how happy I am. I look at Jongkook oppa again and most of his fingers are moving now.

When the doctor enters, I had been asked to stay out of the room. I came out and inform everyone outside of Jongkook oppa's response. Everyone was happy and exited especially Jongkook oppa's family.

Then the doctor walk out from Jongkook oppa's room.

"Like I said, we need to depend on miracles. Jongkook's now out of the critical condition. The recovery will be slow and may take times. I will come and check him again later on. You all can meet him, but not too many at once. He still need a lot of rest..." the doctor said.

After the doctor left, Jongkook oppa's family enters the room first.

Later on, one by one came to see Jongkook oppa, leaving me the last person to see him.

I walk to the room. I look at him who's already smiling when he saw me.

".......Hey........" his husky voice called me.

I didn't say a word and just smile. I kisses his cheeks and lips softly. Then I start to hold his hand tightly and look at him.

"....... Jagiya......."


"......What's wrong?......."

"You scared me....."

He gives me a sweet smile.

"I'm sorry, honey.........."

"It's okay...." I touch his cheek. At first I smile, then it faded.

"Owhh......jagiya...... are you.... okay......?..."

".......... No......." my tears drop.

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