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Cormac's POV:
Meredith turns around grabbing her mask that was on the dresser running to Jo. "Meredith! You're quarantined!" I raise my voice at her as she runs across the hall. She freezes turning to look at me "I'm quarantined and a doctor wanna tell me the weather too?" She replies walking to Jo. I roll my eyes because her and I both know I was just trying to protect her and jo. "Jo!" Meredith yells pressing her fingers in her neck feeling for a pulse. "Shit." Meredith mumbles as I walk closer to her. I put my mask on grabbing my phone. "I'm calling Ben." I say Meredith nods starting CPR.

Hours later*

"Meredith what you did was completely unsafe." I say standing in the middle of the room. The window was open letting the breeze from outside slightly mover her hair. "If I didn't she would be dead right now. You and I both know that Cormac." Meredith replies. I could tell she was upset with me for my comment. "Meredith... I'm not... mad at you. Mer one of my favorite things about you is your need to break rules to save lives. You fight for what is right and I love it." I placing my hands on her shoulders trying to comfort her. She smiles slowly looking in my eyes. "You did the right thing." I continue to say.

Meredith's POV:
Cormac couldn't stand seeing me upset or mad, it was the cutest thing. He would do anything in his power to see me happy. "Why are you just smiling?" He asks. "You said you love it... you said you love a part of me." I reply he rolls his eyes pulling me in for a hug "of course I do." He whispers.

When Cormac hugs me I feel like nothing in the world could or would ever be wrong. Cormac makes me feel something I haven't felt with anyone after Derek, but I'm scared. I'm scared to love someone again. Every man i ever loved in my life gets hurt or dies and I don't know if I can handle that kind of pain again. I don't know if I can handle Cormac dying... he's my best friend. Besides Alex and Cristina Cormac is all I have.

"Hey what's wrong?" Cormac asks as he hears me sniffle. "I-I- I just want cuddles." I reply hiding my face on his chest. "You can have all the cuddles you want, we need to eat too. Meredith what's wrong?" He replies. I shake my head on his chest. "Are you okay?" He asks I nod.


Cormac's POV:
Meredith and I ate breakfast then she got ready for zoom. She has three zooms today, one with the board, one about Jo, and then one with Bailey, Richard, Teddy, and Maggie about a previous patient.

I was sitting on the bed scrolling on my phone when Meredith walks out of the bathroom catching my attention "Cor, does this look okay or is it too fancy?" She asks making me look up at her. My eyes widen as I scan her body. She had on jeans with a silk tank top, her hair loosely curled and light make up. "Meredith..." I say. She leans on the wall next to her waiting for an explanation, that I can't find. "You're right I should change it's fancy." She says as I crawl across the bed to her. "No. You look beautiful." I reply as I stand in front of her. Her cheeks get a red hue as she places her arms on my shoulders. I smile at her placing my hand on her hips. "Thank you." She whispers. I nod biting my bottom lips as I slowly move my hands to she ass. "Cormac." Meredith says clearly not upset with what I was doing. "Meredith" I reply. "I have a zoom. We can't." She protest. I nod "I know..." Meredith's eyes sparkle as she tilts her head slightly to the side. I lean forward closing the space between our lips. Meredith moans as I slide my tongue in her mouth. She pulls away "I can't be late, it's with Bailey she'll know what I was doing." Meredith says. I kiss her neck once before laying back on the bed behind me. Meredith walk's back to the bathroom "Mer- you didn't- did that kiss mean nothing to you?" I ask hearing her giggle "which one? The neck?" She asks as if I was talking about a specific one. "Yes." I reply sitting up. She walks out of the bathroom walking past me to the side table she was using a desk. "Yeah you're kisses don't effect me right now, I have work to do." She says sitting down.

"Good morning Meredith." Everyone says as she turns zoom on. "Good morning." She replies. I'm watching her. Her smile, the way she's twisting her hair with her finger as she takes notes. I know her camera is off because she is looking down at her paper.

I walk up behind her moving all her hair to the right to expose her neck. I notice her mic is on still as I kiss her. She leans forward turning it off quick. "Enough." She says with her jaw clenched. I don't listen. "Mer?" Teddy calls. "Are you there?" Meredith pushes me. "Yes." Meredith replies.

Meredith's POV:
Cormac knows exactly what he's doing to me and the only reason he is doing it is because I said he doesn't effect me. I need him to stop but don't want him to.

"Yes that sounds correct." I say to Teddy as Cormac moves under the table sitting in between my legs. I look down at him shooing him away with my hand. He gently grabs it moving it to the side. I turn my mic off "if you don't cut it out I swear." I whisper looking at him as Bailey, Richard, Teddy, and Maggie talk on zoom.

Cormac's POV:
Meredith knows she wants me. She wants to relax. I smirk at her raising an eyebrow mischievous at her. She rolls her eyes looking back at her laptop.

I place my thumb on her jeans over her clit causing her to buck her hips forward. I grin at her action taking my hand off her clit. Meredith reaches for my hand pulling it back to my previous place. "You sure you aren't effected by me?" I ask causing Meredith to give me a cold look as I pull my hand away from her grip. I waste no time in pulling her jeans down completely exposing her lace panties. Meredith gasps as I run my thumb up her wet panties over her folds. "Shhh." I order. I start to kiss her thighs occasionally lightly biting and sucking. She starts tapping her pen on the table trying not to complete scream my name asking for more. "Cor!" She whispers. I giggle moving closer to where she wanted me. "I thought you don't get effected by me?" I tease hovering over her. Meredith clicks buttons quickly on her laptop. "Babe. Stop!" I look up at her as we both realize what she just called me.

I slide her panties to the side as I start to suck on her clit making my mouth an 'o' shape. Meredith puts her hand on the back of my head pushing it lightly as she sighs with pleasure. I pull away causing her to look at me. "Not that soon." I whisper knowing her mic is on. "Get off zoom." I say sticking my pointer finger in her wet entrance. She shakes her head biting her lip to suppress her need to moan. I enter my middle finger "leave the meeting." I say. "N-n-no oh." She replies barley able to speak as I slowly pump my fingers. "I warned you." I say moving my fingers faster as I take my left hand moving my thumb in circles over her clit. She reaches her hand down stopping me.

"I-I have to go guys, I'll check in later." She says making me chuckle. "Thank you for understanding." She says leaving the meeting.

"I told you to leave earlier..." I say keeping my hand still. "Babe please." She whines. I move my hand as fast as I can flick her clit again. "Shit babe." She yells as her legs start to shake. I move faster making her legs shake a little more as I curl my fingers hitting the exact spot that makes her completely weak. "Faste-" Meredith cries as I enter a third finger. I feel her walls clenching against my hand as I move faster. She moans loud. "Do- don- fuck!" She yells. I replace my thumb with my mouth "I'm gonna come!" I suck harder as she comes everywhere. I continue to pump my fingers in her slowing down as she comes down from her high.

"Come here." She says firmly. "Do not ever do that while I'm working again." She says pulling the collar of my shirt kissing me. "Thank you." She whispers. "How much do I effect you again?" I ask. She slaps my shoulder playfully "go shower or something. You can't be here while I work clearly." She says pushing me away. "Stop complaining babe... you seemed to enjoy it." I say walking to my room.

I suck at writing scenes like this but you guys love to read them so I try. Sorry if it's bad. I didn't want to have jo in this story too much because that's going to be an actual storyline in greys but I needed a plot twist same thing with the Meredith not fully wanting to date him.

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