Tea, Coffee, and talks

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Cormac's POV:
"Dad... do you have a girl friend?" Liam asks as I'm cooking breakfast. Technically I do but Meredith and I haven't talked about telling our kids about each other. "No... why?" I am lying to his face and I want to tell him about Meredith. "I don't know... you seem happier lately." Liam replies. I smile knowing that I am. I am happier than I have been in a long time. Meredith makes me happy, god I-I'm just so obsessed with her. She's prefect and just thinking about her makes me happy. "Liam... how would you feel about that? Me with another woman other than mom..." I question. He doesn't answer which scares me. "I'd like it. I mean I think I'd miss mom and the things she did for us but I'd love it. Dad, mom made you happy and if you find another woman who makes you feel the way mom did? Don't let that go. Hey I know I'm a kid but if I ever found someone that makes me as happy as mom made you I'd never let her go." Liam answers. I laugh placing a plate on the table in front of him. "When did you turn forty?" I ask as he giggles.

Meredith's POV:
"Good morning Doctor Wilson and grey." Cormac says walking to the coffee cart standing very close to my back. I lean on him lightly. "Good morning." I reply. "Oh my god we all know... stop." Jo says I laugh as Cormac kisses my cheek which he knows I hate. I hate when my face is touched it causes acne and it's gross. "Sorry." He whispers in my ear. I look over my shoulder at him smiling as he spins me placing a small kiss on my lips. "I liked it. Don't be sorry." I reply turning back around. "Okay... you didn't have to make me feel single." Jo says as we take a step up. Cormac and I laugh as he puts his arm on my shoulders crossing it across my chest holding me close to him. Cormac has the need to touch me. He wants the physical... he wants to know I love him... he wants to see it before he hears it.

"Two green teas one sugar each please." Cormac says ordering for the both of us. "Jo what do you want?" He asks I smile because he's so freaking sweet. "Oh nothing I can get it." She replies Cormac looks at her rolling his eyes. "Just order Wilson." I say. Cormac pays for all three drinks.

"Thank you babe." I say holding Cormac's hand. Jo looks at us as Cormac leans down kissing me. "You're welcome." He replies. I lean in his shoulder with jo still watching us. "You two are very cute." Jo says. I smile looking at cormac who was looking at me. "Thank you." We say at the same time. "Hayes!" The barista yells placing three drinks in the reach of us. We all grab our drinks and turn to walk inside.

"Hey I need to talk to you later okay? I have a surgery right now." Cormac says as I walk into the attendings lounge still holding his hand. "Okay. When's your surgery?" I ask putting my bag in my locker. "In an hour..." he replies. I giggle "so... let's talk now?" I suggest. Cormac nod's "okay.. I mean it's not serious or anything well it kind of is..."

So this is very small and I had a very long day but I wanted to give you something. I hope you guys like it. I promise next chapter will be a full one.

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