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"Hey what happened to Doctor Nicole?"

Cormac's POV:
"Oh I fired her." Meredith picks her head up looking at me before she straddles my lap. I rest my hands on her hips. "Why?" She asks. I smile looking up at her. "Because she was rude and it's my department so I can do what I want." Meredith laughs as her hair falls in her face. I tuck it behind her ear caressing her jawline. "I love you." Meredith smiles as she leans closer to me, connecting our lips.

Meredith's tongue runs across my lips begging for entrance which I deny knowing it drivers her completely mad.

Meredith's POV:
I slide my hand down to Cormac's scrub pants cupping my hand over his already hard member. My unexpected action makes him gasp allowing me to slide my tongue in his mouth. Our tongues dance around as I moan into his mouth.

Cormac starts kissing my jawline moving to my neck lightly and occasionally biting it. I wrap my arms around his neck placing my hands on his head almost guiding him. I move my head giving Cormac more room. He starts to kiss my neck right over my pulse knowing it drives me insane. "B-babe." I moan. Cormac pulls the string to my pants letting them fall lower on my hips some. He moves his hand under my scrub top then back down to my pants. He starts to bite and suck on my neck. "Babe-" I was trying to be firm to tell him to stop but it came out more like a moan. I move away from him. "You're giving me a hickey." He moves back to my neck. "Mhm" he moves his hand over my scrub pants moving his hand slowly up and down my clit. I move my hips on him as he stops moving his hand. "Babe!" I stop moving. He giggles. His giggles alway makes me weak. It's the cutest sound I've ever heard. "Please!" I ask. He doesn't say anything. I grab his wrist guiding it into my pants. "Meredith..." he protests. "The door isn't locked..." he continues. "I don't care. Please babe."

Cormac moves his hand down more lightly flicking my clit. I moan trowing my head back. "Fas- fuck." Cormac moves his hand faster.

Cormac's POV:
I move my pointer finger into Meredith's wet entrance moving it fast. She leans towards me wrapping her left arm around my back to my shoulder holding me. "Babe!" She moans as quiet as she possibly could. I know she's getting closer to I add my middle finger curling them some knowing I would hit the spot she loves. Meredith's legs start shaking as her breath gets heavier. "Fuck babe." She says as someone knocks on the door. I stop "hang o-" Richard walks in.

Meredith looks me in the eye "don't stop." grabbing my hand so I start moving again. As Richard runs out of the room closing the door behind him. I feel Meredith clench against me as her legs shake more. I pull her down to me kissing her to keep her from screaming.

"Meredith... Richard saw us." I say as she lays on me. We were on the couch now laying across it. "Not the first time... he's never seen me do that but it's not the first time he walked in on me." Meredith replies. I run my hand through her hair the other holding her close to me. "Hey horrible timing but... can I tell my kids about you?" Meredith laughs.

Meredith's POV:
"Cor baby you can tell anyone. Are the boys okay with you dating someone new?" I ask knowing the boy might not like that. "Yes... they are." Cormac replies. I was getting tired and he could tell. "Come on let's go home. We can cuddle all night." He says. I shake my head "to tired." I reply closing my eyes. "Babe we can't stay here... come on the boys are with their aunt we don't even have to go upstairs." He argues as Bailey bursts into his office.

"Locked doors. How hard is it to find doors that have a goddamn lock?" She was standing with her hand on her hip over us. "Bailey shhh." I keep my eyes closed laying Cormac who is laughing. "It's not funny. What if that was a patient?" She questions. I pick my head up looking at her very clearly pissed. "Miranda, it wasn't a patient, finding doors that lock is very hard, and you woke me up." I say Cormac stays quiet which is probably a good idea. "It could have been a patient." She protests. "No it could not have. Patients don't know where the offices are." I fire back. "I don't want to hear about it or any extra activities again or you're both suspended am I understood." I roll my eyes laying back on Cormac.

"No! You're not. Doctor Bailey if my sources are correct and I'm positive they are your nickname was booty call bailey, so no you're not understood. Meredith is my girlfriend, I am her boyfriend. We kiss, we make out, and we have sex. When we want and where we please." I place my hand on Cormac's chest licking my head up to look at him. "Re-respectfully chief." He adds hesitant. I smile laying back down on him. "Hm. Locked doors please. This door locks...just lock it." Bailey says before walking out of the room. "Meredith... he's good for you. I like him." Bailey says before walking away completely.

I'm surprised at cormac I didn't think he was going to or would do that but I loved it. He wanted to protect me and make sure I wasn't hurt. It was cute. "Can we go home?" I ask sitting up. "We can are you ready?" He asks I nod. "You have to carry me inside though... I'm to tired to walk." I reply as both of our phones go off.

Cormac's POV:
I look at my phone then at Meredith "can we get there before we makes plans." I ask. She smacks my shoulder. "We're gonna get there. I promise." She replies as I kiss her soft and quick.

I hate this chapter so damn much. Again I suck at these kind of chapters but you all love reading them so I try my best. This chapter had for shadowing so be ware for next chapter.

*couldn't proofread

Interlocking (Merhayes)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن