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Cormac's POV:

Standing under the spray of the hot shower I sigh knowing this is going to be a long day. Meredith was paged about a half hour ago and now I'm paged and it's only five in the morning. Finishing up, I quickly get out putting in jeans and a grey shirt because I'll have to change into scrubs when I get to work anyway.

"Hey dude I'm Adrian Beau, so what do we have here like an appendectomy or something?" The blonde young -much too young to be a doctor asks as he walks in behind me. I freeze as I hold my hands under the running water to the foset in the scrub room.

"I am not your dude, Adrian" I see Meredith walk in behind Doctor beau as I speak but I don't stop. This doctor is being incredibly rude.

"I am your superior, your co-worker Doctor Hayes. And no we do not have an appendectomy to preform we are cutting into this two year old boy to remove a tumor on his liver." As I speak I see Meredith is taken back. I'm normally kind and warm to new doctors. I've been there multiple times being a new doctor trying to fit in it's hard so I have sympathy but this guy? This guy is a grade A ass.

"Woah chill out Doctor Hayes it's all good man." I roll my eyes clearly he's not understanding how to speak to his superiors. I continue to scrub in as he moves behind me. I feel Meredith light brush her hand on my lower back as she walks past me.

I smile knowing she's trying to calm me down some. She knows that he aggravated me. She knows I tired and I'm sure she is too but most of all she knows that I relax under her touch. She knows that I am at ease when she's around.

"Suction" I say as I stand across from Meredith with Doctor beau to my left. We are all working to remove the mass on the boys liver when Meredith finds another. We send an intern to go inform the family and continue to remove both masses.

I look to Meredith our eyes connecting briefly and I can't help but smile looking back down. She beautiful, so, so, so beautiful. Even when she's killing her self to save a life. Okay not literally killing herself.

"Meredith right? You have a nickname Meredith?" I hear beau's voice carry making the room go a little quieter.

Meredith's POV:

My eyes bounce up connecting with Cormac's blues, back down and then to beau's brown eyes. He has nice eyes but Cormac's are better. Cormac has specks, he has different shades of blue that come together to make the brightest blue I swears I've ever seen.

"Not really, Mer, Meredith or Doctor Grey." I'm not gonna mention how Cormac calls me 'baby' when i gets home from work or how he calls me 'bambina' as he thrusts in and out of me. Doctor Beau doesn't need to know that. There's no reason for him to know.

We finish the surgery successfully. Doctor beau Wallis into the scrub room before me, then Cormac after. There's only two sinks so Cormac and I scrub out first. Doctor beau stands closely behind me.

Throughout the day I noticed he was always close, touchy even. Her look at me and it did make me uncomfortable but in some situations I had to go with it for the sake of my patients or their families.

As I open the door to the attendings lounge I see Cormac and Jo standing by the lockers chatting. "This new beau guy definitely likes you Mer." I hear jo say. I give her a tight lipped smile quickly glancing at Cormac. I could tell all day he had some sort of feeling towards me. While he is an attractive man he doesn't have my attention.

"I noticed." My reply is dismissive I realize that after I say it and I had a bit of an attitude. "The feeling is not mutual, and he's been on top of me all day." I continue. Cormac looks upset, jealous actually and to be honest I think it's hot. It shows he wants me and I haven't doubted his want for me for one minute but it feels good to know he does want me.

"Are you kidding me? It should be mutual. He's cute and he likes you." Jo's intern explains dramatically. Everyone in the room turns to look at her and before anyone can say anything she leaves without a word realizing she clearly over stepped.

I smile remembering the days where Cristina and I would talk about guys in between shifts. How we'd treat some of the interns the exact way Jo and I just treated her.

"I know you two are like in love or whatever but she's right he is kind of cute." Jo practically sings the he's cute part.

"He's cute but not my type and he's young. Hey Cor." I begin to change the subject not wanting to make Cormac anymore uncomfortable.

Cormac's POV:

I do not like this. I don't like other men looking at Meredith in this way. She doesn't like possessiveness, but I can't help it. I'm obsessed with her I have been for a while now and I'm going to show that. I am jealous I won't admit that to Meredith to jo but I'm jealous. Meredith said he's cute. What does that even mean.

"Hi." I reply coldly, walking over to the pot of coffee on the counter. I begin pouring myself a cup when I notice it's silent and I feel Meredith's stair at the back of my head. I sigh knowing she didn't deserve that.

"Okay... well I'm gonna go..." jo starts point at Meredith and myself and she continues, "you two have fun." With that she's gone. The room stays silent for a beat. I don't know what to say now. My blood is boiling. Why does she think he's cute?

"Cor... baby." Her voice is quiet, almost pleading or bashful. I shake my head as I continue to look down stirring my coffee.

Deciding ignoring isn't a good idea I hum in rerun a rendition of "hm?" As I press the cool coffee mug to my lips felling the hot liquid rush down my throat. I turn so I can make eye contact with Meredith.

I know she sees nothing but love. I don't think I could ever look at her in any other way to be honest. She tilts her head to the side as if she was thinking. I set my mug down stepping closer to her, my hand rest in her hip under her shirt the other on her chest slowly moving to her neck. Unconsciously I back her up so her back makes contact with the cold lockers behind her. Her shirt is pulled up some from my hand. I hear her breath hitch isn't he back of her throat as my tongue make contact with the shell of her ear. I squeeze my hand. Not hard. Not restricting her air way. But enough to make her moan, if I had took a breath though I'd have missed it.

"la tua meredith mia. il mio." I whisper.

Did not proof read. I know most of this chapter was not smooth to read and i do apologize for that. I am so so sorry. That being said im gonna shoot it straight and tell you that next chapter might be a little rough too. I am aware we already had this type of storyline with the Nicole character however im doing it again  and I did post something about that. I got my stories a little mixed up. On a different note who Googled the end?

I do not take credit for messed up Italian I used Google translate.

⚠️Next chapter will be smut.⚠️

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