Double trouble- Chapter 32

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Third person POV

Once San and Mingi got downstairs they sat on the couch next to Yunho and Hongjoong just spectating the game that they were playing, the boys sat there for another two hours watching and occasionally playing the game until Y/N and Seonghwa came home.

Right as Seonghwa and Y/N got in the door San and Mingi go up to Y/N, " hey um Y/N we need to talk to you." Mingi states in a serious tone. Of course Y/N says "ok" if it's something serious, so they walk upstairs to San's room.

As they all go in San shuts and locks the door behind them. Mingi then pushes Y/N against the wall and she gasps, not expecting such an action from Mingi, he traps her in his arms and gets real close to her, "ugh you look so good right now." Is all Mingi says before attacking Y/N's neck with kisses.

Y/N feels the same sensation on the other side of her neck and it's just then she realized that San was also in the room, " you're perfect." San says as he stops sucking on your neck for a split second. The two boys are carful enough not to leave any marks on your skin, just sucking hard enough for you to really enjoy every second of it.

While both boys are sucking on your neck, Mingi started to touch your thighs,
" mmm there so soft and warm." Mingi said while stroking her thighs, Y/N was about to say something but San quickly put his lips on hers and they shared a rough hungry kiss. you moan in San's mouth as Mingi rubbed your folds through your underwear.

Y/N's knees we're getting weak as she was enjoying this fun time with the two boys,San noticed how You were slowly sliding down the wall so he picked you up and laid you on the bed.

While You were in the middle of the bed,Mingi was on the left side now kissing you while San was above you,grinding on your leg that was lazily extended in mid air. Mingi was now taking off Y/N's top and bra, "you don't have to cover them, they're perfect and so are you." Mingi said as he took Y/N's hands off her breasts and started to knead and lightly squeeze them while he kissed down her neck.

As Mingi was working on Y/N's breasts San was kissing all the way up her thighs, he made sure to leave at least one mark way up in between her thighs, Y/N moaned at the feeling of someone touching her sensitive thighs.

San worked his way higher to her folds, he could feel the heat radiating off of them. San took off Y/N's underwear and was just admiring how cute and smooth it was. " Mingi look at how gorgeous she is." Mingi stops kissing every inch of
Y/N's body to admire the rest of it, " she's absolutely stunning." Mingi says as he dips his finger in her folds,Y/N  arches her back as Mingi brings his finger back to his mouth to taste her liquids." she tastes amazing too," Mingi states with a wink. " I'll be the judge of that." San says while diving in and immediately licking and sucking on Y/N's folds, she tries to moan but Mingi is quick to kiss her.

San stops for a slight moment to say, " babe we love hearing your moans but we can't have the rest of the boys hear those cute noises." And he continues to eat you out while Mingi is now sucking on your tongue making you twitch and close your thighs around Sans head.

San pulls your thighs apart and smacks one, "be good and keep them open," he says with dark eyes,it turns you on even more. San goes back to yours fold but he focuses on sucking your little bundle of nerves as he starts to finger you with his long strong fingers. By now both boys are fully undressed and to say they were hot was an understatement, they were fucking DROP DEAD GORGEOUZ!

You could feel your orgasm coming as San continued to finger and eat you out and while Mingi was alternating between sucking and licking your breasts and kissing you, you let out one long moan and came on Sans fingers, " oh babe there's so much." San says as he opens and closes his fingers, looking at how sticky his fingers are.

San licked and sucked one of his fingers, San sticks his hand out and Mingi sucks one a different one, getting the rest off that finger and finally San brings his finger to you, you suck his fingers in the most seductive way possible. San keeps his finger there, enjoying the feeling of your wet muscle wrapping around them.

When he takes his hand away it's covered in saliva, he then uses that hand to pump himself a couple of times before brining it up to your face. You lick the tip to tease him and he moans and jerks his hips forward. You continue to lick and tease the tip as San jerks his body every time you do it, " s-stop teasing." " aw where did dominant San go?" You say in a teasing tone. " it just feels so good" San says while he holds your head in place and face fucks you, shoving his member down your throat at an unbelievable speed.

Mingi sneaks in and starts to rub his member on your core, teasing you now. You whine and your body twitches. " mmm look at you, so sensitive and adorable, I love it." Mingi says at he keeps rubbing his member on your wet sticky core, just rubbing up and down, not sticking it in just enjoying the feeling of your slippery folds.

"Look at how well she's taking me." San says, getting mingi's attention, " ugh she makes me just want to cum right now!" Mingi says as he moves his hips faster on Y/N's core. He starts to jerk off on
Y/N's folds and he's brushing his tip against her folds as fast as he can and they both cum with a moan, well Mingi moans while Y/N let's out a long muffled whine on Sans member. " babe you're gonna make me cum if you keep moaning like that."

San moans as he shoves his member deeper down your throat and as he did that Mingi started to lick all your liquids off of you and you moan one last time and San let's his liquids flow down your throat. All three of you lay on the bed, exhausted and out of breath.

" you're so gorgeous." San says while stroking different patterns on your arms, " not even gorgeous, she's beyond gorgeous." Mingi says while kissing your cheek. " what's all this about anyway?" You say in confusion, not really understanding why they told you they had something important to tell you but then you guys had "play time", " we wanted to make you feel good about yourself." Mingi stated, "We thought you needed a boost in self confidence so we did this with you." " awe you guys! Thank you, really. That means a lot to me." You say while you kiss both of them on the cheek. " wait is that why you guys kept complimenting me the whole time?"  You question, trying to put the pieces together, " correct." Mingi says as he kisses your neck.

" ugh you guys are so dumb, I love you both." Y/N says while getting up from the bed and getting dressed once again. When everyone is dressed and organized they all head down stairs, acting like they didn't just have sexual interactions literally two minutes ago.

Once everyone got downstairs they saw that the others were watching a movie. They joined mid movie, San sat next to Jongho, Mingi sat next to Seonghwa and Y/N sat next to Yunho. " I know what you guys were doing in Sans room." Yunho whispers in Y/N's ear.

Y/N freezes and stops breathing for a quick second before responding with, " I don't know what you're talking about.
" Y/N tries to convince Yunho she had absolutely no idea on the nonsense he was saying. " I heard your cute little moans up there. Looks like San and Mingi don't know how to keep you quiet." Y/N looks at her lap and stays silent, " you're a loud one aren't you?" Yunho chuckles as you hide your face in his chest.

" you're adorable." Yunho states as he pats your head while continuing to watch the movie. Once you have collected yourself you whisper in his ear, " maybe you can try and keep me quiet." You touch his thigh and he shifts, you smirk as you see how hot and bothered he is now, just like how you were a couple of seconds ago.

You decided to stop messing around with Yunho and keep your eyes on the screen, you occasionally see him looking at you from the corner of your eye and you just choose not to pay attention and keep your focus on the movie. You knew you sparked something in Yunho and you we're excited to see if you could test his limits.

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