Story time-Chapter 30

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Seonghwa's POV
I wake up surprisingly early and Y/N is still in my arms, I put my face in her neck and started to kiss all over her neck and caress her bear thighs. Y/N slowly started to wake up, she looked at me, smiled then kissed my nose, " morning hwa." She said as she snuggled into my chest, " morning beautiful." I replied as I hugged her tighter in my arms. " we should get up soon." I suggested but she just whines and snuggles close to me if that's even possible, " Hwa it's only nine! We need more sleep than that." She whines again and closes her eyes. " fine but only for a little bit." I said as I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep.

I woke up again and look out the window, the sun is setting, the beautiful orange and pink contrast somehow reminds me of Y/N. I get up and put on some comfy clothes and slowly wake up Y/N, she takes a while but she soon gets up and wakes everyone else up and we all head downstairs. We made Tteokbokki and ate it outside near the pond in Y/N's backyard

After we were done eating we just sat there enjoying the view and having small conversations," um hey Y/N can I ask you something?" Jongho says with a curious but serious tone

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After we were done eating we just sat there enjoying the view and having small conversations," um hey Y/N can I ask you something?" Jongho says with a curious but serious tone."Yeah. What is it?" Y/N replies, full attention on Jongho," what happened between you and that Hyuna girl? Why don't you guys like each other?

Jongho's POV

" Why don't you guys like each other?" I ask Y/N out of curiosity, they seem like they really don't like each other and it made me a little sad to see Y/N so uncomfortable and angry last night.

Y/N stayed quiet for a while, looking like she was contemplating on whether to tell us or not. Soon the silence was cut with a sigh and she said, " we actually used to be friends but it didn't end well as you can see." She paused for a moment before continuing," we used to be the best of friends but,once we reached high school she started hanging out with these stupid,annoying stuck up whores who used to sleep with everyone, even the teachers to get higher grades.

Soon she started to hang out with them more than me and she even started to act like them." Y/N let out a shaky breath as she continued the sad story," those girls got her to say things that hurt me so very much, I used to be a little on the plus side so of course that was their first target. They would call me names as I walked down the hall, they would shout, " a cow escaped the farm!" And "look at that fat pig waddle down the hall." They would poke at my stomach or my sides at any moment they could. " oh girly that's terrible! I'm so sorry they would do that to you." I say while going up to her and giving her a tight hug.

" that's not even the worst part. Sometimes after school they would wait in Hyunas car and while I was walking home they would drive behind me, and fast, they would make me run all the way home because I was afraid that if I stoped running they would actually hit me."

Some tears escaped Y/N's eyes but she wiped them quickly. " you don't have to keep going, you know that right?" Mingi said, trying to comfort Y/N, she just nodded and said, " I know but I need you guys to know what she did to me." She steadied her breathing once again and continued, " I started to stop eating breakfast and lunch, I sat in the girls locker room during those times to avoid Hyuna and those entitled little bitches. I started to loose a lot of weight, partly due to not eating properly but I would also over work myself from working two jobs, working out as much as I could and playing volleyball."

"I almost died once." She said as she chuckled, " I remember it like yesterday." We all just sat there in shock as she told her horrible, heart breaking story. " we had a volleyball game that day, we were half way through the second set and I was exhausted, mentally and physically. I served the ball and it went over, we had a pretty good volley going but then everything started to get blurry and there was a ringing in my ears then I just saw black.

Later that night I woke up in a hospital bed, the doctors told me that my body was so exhausted it just shut down on me, my heart stopped pumping for seven minutes. They said if it stopped for any longer I would have died."

Y/N was in full tears now. Mingi and I hugged her from both sides as she sobbed in our arms. " shhhhh, she can't hurt you anymore babe." Mingi said as he stroked Y/N's head, trying to calm her down the best he could. I held her hand in mine and rubbed my thumb up and down the back of it, also trying to comfort Y/N.

Each moment she continued her story my heart broke more and more for this poor girl who's best friend turned on her. Y/N said she was getting tired after she cried so much, Mingi handed her over to me and I carried her to my room, by the time we got there she was passed out cold.

I took her clothes off and put her in some warm pajamas. I laid her in bed and kissed her cheek and stomach before cuddling her, " you're the most perfect person I've ever met. Don't let anyone ever tell you different." I whispered to her before I fell asleep.


I felt Jongho kiss my cheek and stomach and whisper, "you're the most perfect person I've ever met. Don't let anyone ever tell you different." I smiled and fell asleep peacefully knowing that someone could love me for me.

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