Morning texts- chapter 12

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I wake up from my slumber and get ready for the day, I took a long hot shower and jammed out to some music, I got dressed and flopped down on the couch. I was about to turn on the tv when I get a text from Jongho, I quickly click on the notification

Good morning

Did you sleep well?

Yes. I dreamed of you😋

Wait why are you
Up this early?

Because I can be.
Why are you up?

Because I have to go to
Work in two hours

Ahhhh ok.
Well what are you
Doing now?
Besides talking to me🙃

Listening to music

Ooohhh nice
What are you listening to?

Answer by Ateez

Third person POV
When Jongho saw that message his heart sunk. Did she know that he was apart of Ateez this whole time? Did she tell her friends that she was talking to us? All these thoughts were going on in Jongho's mind. He had to see if she really knew them.

Oh you know them?

Not really. I love their
Music But I haven really
Looked into them yet. I need to

Thank god! Jongho though as he clutched his chest. He ran into san's room, " she knows about us" Jongho practically screamed, alarming Yunho and Yeosang that were in the living room, they creeped around the corner to see what was going on. "huh?" Sans said confused. " it's Y/N, she knows about us, well she listens to our music but she doesn't really know us know us, you know what I mean?" " like she listens to our music but isn't invested in us that much?" "Exactly! Jongho yells."

"Wait a second how do you even know her?" San looks at Jongho a little confused but also a little mad. " I may or may not have downloaded Utopia and talked to her." Jongho says while backing away from San slowly. " aish I can't trust you with anything." San says while looking at Jongho, not noticing Yeosang and Yunho walk in the room. " hehe speaking of trust." Yeosang pipes up, " Yunho and I have been talking to her too"
"How did you find her?" Jongho says to no one in particular, " I kinda sorta saw that she messaged you a couple days ago and I got Utopia and added her." " and I took Yeosang's phone and did the same thing." Yunho says while looking down at the ground and rubbing the back of his neck.

While everyone was confessing that they were talking to Y/N, Jongho got a message from you. " shoot l, I forgot I was texting her. I'll see you guys later."

Jongho you good?
You haven't texted
Back in a while

Yeah sorry I
Was talking to my
Friends hehe

Ok . I have to go to
Work now but I'll
Probably talk to you after
My shift.

Ok sweetie

UTOPIA Ateezxreader  (18+)Where stories live. Discover now