Yay day- Chapter 18

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Hongjoong POV
Yunho told us that we were going to the mall so all of us headed upstairs to our rooms and got ready and got our wallets, I noticed Y/N's door was still closed so I knocked on it and heard a soft, " come in" I walk in and see that she's wearing a cute outfit that showed off her shoulders and a bit of her chest while applying some light lipstick

Hongjoong POVYunho told us that we were going to the mall so all of us headed upstairs to our rooms and got ready and got our wallets, I noticed Y/N's door was still closed so I knocked on it and heard a soft, " come in" I walk in and see that she...

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" are you ready?" I ask, she nods and we head out of her room and go downstairs.
" woah" is the first thing we hear as we get to the bottom of the stairs, Jongho had his mouth open and had wide eyes. " you good Jongho?" Y/N asks " yeah you just look really good" she giggles " thank you" " let's go shall we" I say and we head out with our masks on " why do you guys always wear your masks out?" She asks
" uh cuz corona"( just kidding) " we're just not that confident in our looks" San says " not confident in your looks?!!!??" Y/N flails her body all over the place " you guys are like the sexiest people I've ever met" she continued to flail her body " wow, so straight forward" Seonghwa chuckles. " what it's true!" Y/N shouts at him, " oh look we're almost there" Yeosang says as we see the giant building a couple of minutes away.

We all walk faster into the building. " no splitting up because I want to see what all you weirdos pick out" Y/N says and laughs. We go to a random clothing store and look around for a while,Jongho and Seonghwa are the first ones to go into the dressing rooms, they both come out in a t-shirt with a leather jacket and ripped jeans on " Jesus Christ! Are you trying to give me hart palpitations?" Y/N says and a couple of customers look at us. We just laugh as Jongho and Seonghwa go back in and coming back out in some different outfits. Y/N commented on every outfit as the boys came out, once Seonghwa and Jongho were sure they liked the clothes they picked out they payed for their clothes and we headed to the next store.

Jongho POV
Once Seonghwa Hyung and I went out of the dressing room we hear Y/N say," Jesus Christ! Are you trying to give me hart palpitations?" I just look down because wow she's really out here telling the whole store we're good looking, we try on a couple more outfits and she comments on all of them and once we try on our last outfits we pay for them and go to the next store. We enter one what has bright colored clothes, perfect for Yunho and Hongjoong. They brows the racks for several outfits and they go in the dressing rooms.

They each come out in a light colored shirt and some light blue or white jeans with light colored converse, of course Y/N has to comment, she says, " awww what squishy cute little bright babies" she holds on to my arm and squeezes it a little as she squeals, Yunho and Hongjoong hide their faces in embarrassment and go back in the rooms and change again, they come back out and Y/N points to Hongjoong and tells him, " awwww you look like a cute baby minion!" She squeals once again and Hongjoong squats on the ground and wraps his arms around his face while smiling out of embarrassment. They try on more outfits and pay for them,then it's time for the next store.

Mingi POV
The next store we went to had a mixture of bright and dark clothes, perfect for San, Yeosang and Wooyoung considering they can pull off the dark and light colors, we wait for them to pick out their clothes and try them on. Wooyoung somehow found a bright shirt but it was very revealing and he paired it with some dark pants, San found a dark long sleeve shirt and paired it with some dark skinny jeans while Yeosang did a weird combination of both but still looked good, he wore a yellow long sleeve shirt with dark skinny jeans, light converse and a long black choker. They went back in after Y/N called them gods of sexiness and cuteness and came out with outfits that mismatched and outfits that matched perfectly together. Once they were done it was mine and
Y/N's turn so when all of them paid we went to a store that fit both mine and her styles.

Y/N told me to pick out what I wanted and to try everything on without her. I pick out my usual style. I went in the rooms when I picked out all the things I wanted to try on, I came out in a long trench coat with a long belt on it,dark jeans and circle glasses and black combat boots. Y/N comes up to me and squishes my cheeks as she tells me how cute but hot I look. I just chuckle and whisper in her ear, " you're gonna look cute but hot when I finally fuck you." I back away and look at her as she's frozen in place, I wink at her and she hurried off to find more clothes she likes. I continue to change and come back out and Y/N stays silent the rest of the time, I really must have made her shy I thought to myself and smile a little bit.

When I'm done Y/N rushes past me with more outfits than I can count. She goes into the dressing room and comes back out with a black and white striped long sleeved crop top that says 'Bitch' on the top left corner paired with a pair of high waisted dark ripped jeans and black high top sneakers. Seonghwa is the first to comment, " the outfit really hugs your body. You look so good." She smiles and goes back in to change, she comes back out in a completely different concept, she's in a light pink t-shirt that's tucked into a pair of light high waisted jeans and white platform sneakers. " aw so cute!" San says and and lifts Y/N in the air and she squeals. " ok ok put me down now"
" mmm but I'm loving this view" he says while looking at her cleavage, " ok San don't be a perv, especially not in public." Yeosang says while rolling his eyes and playfully hit San's arm.

San puts Y/N down and she runs back in the changing room and puts on a cropped grey sweater that says off duty, she goes back in one more time and puts on a black and white stripped dress with flowers all over it, and let me tell you it hugged her body perfectly, you could see how nice her breasts,ass and waist looked. " I like that one a lot" Yunho points and stares at Y/N before she goes back in. She pays for her stuff and we wander around the mall.

Yeosang's POV
When we leave the last store we decide to wander around the mall and look in some stores. I see a small store that has drones in it, I start heading over and Y/N follows me into the small store, " oh my god they have it!" I say surprised " they have what?" Y/N questions as she looks at me, " they have the drone that I've wanted for weeks! And it's the last one!" I say and check the price on the drone and looking in my wallet.

My lips start to pout as I see I'm short by a lot of money, " what's wrong Yeo?" Y/N asks me " I-I don't have enough money for the drone." I feel my eyes water a little bit, I've been wanting this drone since it first came out and knowing that this is the last one in the store and it's a limited edition drone that I can't get makes me want to cry, " hey babe look at me." I don't look at her because she told me to, I look at her from the pet name, " it's gonna be alright. Ok?" She starts to take some bills out of her wallet. " woah I can't let you pay for this." I say and she just smiled and shakes her head. " babe if you have been dying to get this drone it's the least I can do for you. Just think of this as a new friendship gift."

She grabs the drone, walks past me and pays for it at the register. She passes me the bag they put the drone in and I smile, " I like seeing you smile" she says with a smile of her own on her face. I hug her and nuzzle my face in her neck, she hugs back after a couple seconds of being tense. " Thank you." I whisper into her neck. " it's really nothing." She says while backing up, she boops my nose and she intertwines our hands and walk out to the rest of the boys waiting for us with more bags in their hands.

Wooyoung's POV
we were on the fourth floor of the mall now an we go passed an arcade " Hyung can we go in there?" Mingi asks Seonghwa, he nods and we all run in, "bet you can't beat me in the motorcycle racing game" Y/N says and I say " you're on" we both rush to the yellow motorcycles and insert two out of the many tokens we have in the slot, we press start and pick our characters and motorcycles along with what track we want, the race starts and we start tilting our bodies on the bikes to steer and Y/N is in the lead while I keep bumping into things. " looks like I'm gonna win." Y/N says in a cocky tone " or maybe I will" I say as I get close to her biker, but it's too late we're already so close to the finish line.

Y/N finished before me and she gets off the motorcycle and dances around with a smile on her face. " you look good on a motorcycle. I bet you ride so well" I hear Hongjoong says while smirking at her. " hey I thought you were the normal one?!" Y/N whines while lightly punching his arm, " I'm just kidding." He laughs, " I know" she squished his cheeks and said " a little cutie like you would never act like that" and she let his face go.

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