Party games pt2- Chapter 26

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San's POV

We collected our blue beads and went in the back yard where everyone else was and there was a long table with big jugs of colored milk. " guys I got this" I say as I walk to the table where six other people were, a girl was sitting at the head of the table, her name tag read 'Jihyo' she stated the rules, " you have five minutes to drink that whole gallon of milk, if you stop drinking for more than twenty seconds you are out and you will not continue the game and while someone else is taking a break you have to wait your turn. If you throw up the milk you are also out and if you do throw up we have a designated spot for that." She points to a bush near the table. " alright now that we have discussed everything, let's chug!"

I open my milk as fast as I can and start chugging, it definitely cooled down my mouth along with the ice cream but sense this is more consistent I feel a lot better.I'm not half way through when I need to take a break and people start counting down " twenty! Nineteen! Eighteen!......two!one!" I start to drink again and I see a kid next to me that's already half way done so I try to chug faster to try and get a little more than half way and I succeed, someone else is taking a break and I needed one so bad. Thank god the kids break would be over in literally two seconds, after he started I stopped, Yunho and Jongho came up to me " Your doing great Hyung. Keep it up!" Jongho said with a big smile on his face and patted my shoulder, Yunho said, you can do this San! We believe in you!" And they left.

I had four more seconds for my break but I cut it short and start chugging again, as I'm chugging I hear two people go to the bush and hack up a lug. I try not to listen and focus on myself, I finally decided I was just going to squeeze the jug and chug as fast as I could, some slid down my face and neck but I didn't care, I was going to win this! I finally finished and I looked up at the sky closing my eyes telling myself to calm down so I don't throw up. " alright San!" Yes San!" " lets go San!" I heard people cheering for me. I look around and see that three people stopped drinking and someone was next to the bush. I looked at my friends to see them run up to me and bombarding me with compliments and cheers as we went to the door to get our green beads and we go up another set of stairs.

Yunho's POV

We dashed up the stairs and looked to see two people with feet in the air. I 'thought this is gonna be something different' we all walk closer to see that they were doing a keg stand, one person got off the keg and headed straight to the bathroom while the other person was lightly let down from the keg and cheered. " ok this will be fun" I say and head to the keg and I see a good friend of mine walk up too. " Mark Lee, what's going on buddy!" " not much man. How is everyone?" " we're all good. We're on a break right now after a successful comeback." " ah so the rumors are true, their treating you good up at KQ." " so you ready to get your ass beat? Or what?" " mm sure, let's see who's ass's really gonna get beat."

We laugh and fist bump each other before two people hold us both up for support on the kegs I take my shirt off because I don't want it to distract me or get in my way while I drink. " ok boys here are the rules!" Johnny says from next to us. " as you can see you are upside down, you will drink as much as you can while upside down on the keg, first one to get off the keg losses. Drink up!" Mark and I both have someone bring the hose from the keg up to our mouth and we start to chug the beer from the keg. " let's go Yunho!" I see Y/N yell and jump up and down, " Yunho you go buddy!" Yeosang yells, I give him a thumbs up while I drink. After about three minutes I can see Mark is having a hard time drinking the beer at this point, he taps out and shakes the beer out of his hair, " I guess I did get my ass handed to me." He says after I get off the keg. " I told you man." " maybe we can have a rematch one day." " maybe man. But I have to get to the next floor. It was good seeing you again." " same to you." We hug and we go to the people with the beads, we get the red beads and go up.

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