Confession- Chapter 22

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Wooyoung's POV
"what the hell was that back there!?"
Was the first thing I hear from Seonghwa when we get to the dirt path of Y/N's house. "what? I was just seeing if she would do it, I didn't actually think she would!" I say in defense with my hands in the air, we walk in the house and hangout in the living room till it hits eleven forty-five, Y/N gets off at twelve so we start walking up to the cafe and right as we reach the cafe she comes out of the changing room, sees us and comes outside, "Aquarium time!" She yells and starts fast walking to the aquarium which is about a good ten minute walk but since she's walking so fast it'll take about six.

When we arrive at the aquarium Y/N goes to the shark Exhibit first, she sees a giant hammerhead and tries to communicate with it " hello my giant baby." She says and touches the glass, The hammerhead swims closer to the glass and just stares at her, she squeals and claps her hands, " Guys! It understands me!" We stay at the shark exhibit for a bit longer letting her look at all the different types of sharks in the tank. Once we convince her that there is a lot more sea animals to see she agrees and says goodbye to the sharks, The next exhibit we go to is the sea lions, it looks like they're swimming and playing tag with one another, Y/N just looks at the sea lions in awe and I don't hesitate to snap a quick picture. Next we go to an interactive exhibit, it's a shallow pool that is filled with sea stars and sea slugs, Y/N doesn't hesitate to pick up a sea slug and pet it, " guys he's so slimy! Feel him." The only person to feel the sea slug was Jongho. Y/N picks up the starfish next and traces the patterns on it and then gently puts it back in the water.

The next exhibit we go to is also a small pool but it has stingrays in it and you can pay a small amount of money to feed them small shrimps, Y/N bought a whole bunch of shrimps and fed at least four different stingrays. We all got to touch the stingrays but stopped shortly after because they were slimy but Y/N and Jongho kept on petting them. When we leave that exhibit we go into a tunnel and the tunnel is under a huge tank full of underwater life. Each of us took turns going into a space that looked like you were in the tank and the members took pictures of all of us.

The last and final exhibit we go to after visiting some other ones is the penguin exhibit, The penguins are on a snowy like structure and there are lights with fish stickers on them,Y/N and San move the lights around and the penguins trying to catch the fish just like a cat trying to get a toy. When we go into the gift shop to get some merchandise, I ask Y/N, " your not mad about the whole Seulgi thing right?" She just goes, "of course not. We used to be friends with benefits." Yunho winded his eyes and goes, " what!?!?" Y/N just chuckles. " yeah but now we're just friends, we bonded so well we're like sisters so we stopped. But yeah I'm bi, it's no big deal." all of us just stay in there awkwardly until Hongjoong says, " alright, cool. No discrimination here." Which made everything even more awkward but nevertheless we just get what we want from the gift shop and leave.

Hongjoong's POV
When we get back to the house Y/N says she has to go to the bathroom which is perfect timing so I can call group meeting, " guys I think we should tell her that we are Ateez." I say while looking at all of them individually. " I agree, I can't take not telling her." Wooyoung says, " I'm just surprised you kept your big ass mouth shut this whole time." Yeosang says, " haha he said ass." Jongho say, " Guys we're getting of topic right now." I say a little frustrated that no was really listening to me. " ok so I think Seonghwa should tell Y/N because he's known her the longest." " why me." Seonghwa whines, " I just told you dumbass, because you've known her longer and your a better speaker." I say to him " Arnt you the speaker?! You speak for us all the time at concerts and events." We hear the sink in the bathroom start running. " all in favor of Seonghwa telling Y/N, raise your hands." Everyone raises their hand, " Fuckers." Is all Seonghwa could say before Y/N came out of the bathroom.

Seonghwa's POV
When Y/N got out of the bathroom, I walk up to her guide her to the couch and tell her, " I think you should sit down for this." I put my hands on her shoulders and push her down so she's sitting on the couch. Y/N just looks at me very confused, " we wanted to tell you this sooner but we thought it would be better to tell you after you knew us a little bit better." Now she's looking at all of us very confused signals me to continue speaking.
" i'm not sure how to say this like Hongjoong would be able to but since he's being a little pussy right now I'm going to tell you instead." I pause for a second trying to think of something to say and not be too blunt but I can't think of anything. " Y/N we are ATEEZ...And I hope you believe me." She looks at me.
" I don't understand.If you guys are ATEEZ then how come you spent so much time with me and how come you work with me?" Hongjoong pipes up " our boss gave us a very big vacation considering we did so well with our come back, as for Seonghwa I'm not sure why he got another job." It's Yeosang's turn to speak " we should show her." He turns on the Tv, goes to YouTube and turns Answer on.

When Yeosang turns on Answer and in the opening scenes there's a figure with a mask on so can't see their face and when it finally gets to the opening part, I'm shocked to see that San is on a table and starts singing and then everyone else starts to appear and I'll I can do is stair at the screen in both awe and shock, I don't even really listen to the music, I tune it out and just look at how handsome everyone looks. When the music video ends yunho says, " do you believe us now?" I just sit there," " holy shit. I'm friends with famous people." I start to panic, " what if people saw us together?!" " what If people start rumors?!" " what if your fans hate you for hanging out with me?!" " what if dating rumors start?" Jongho come next to me and pats my head, " girly none of that is going to happen, I promise." Hongjoong chimes in " and if it does we will talk to fans about it." " yeah we would never let anyone look down on you babe." Mingi says in a comforting tone. "Awww thanks guys." " group hug!" Yeosang yells and we all hug each other

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