Authors note

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  Authors note

Im sorry for not posting in awhile. I've just been doing school and hadn't have any inspiration to write correctly. And I'd rather write and have it be good and detailed rather than have it to be rushed and posted.
So I hope you can understand that.
When I post next is undetermined yet. But I can say it will be sometime in April.
Don't quote me on that 😂

Also let me know what you want to see, I'm more than happy to take suggestions, or scenes you want to happen.
You can comment or private message me, and give your ideas and what you want to see.

Also tell your friends, family, pets about this Fan fiction, and my other published story. By also voting too. It would really help out. And encourage me to continue writing.
Let me know about any grammar mistakes, and fill free to leave writing suggestions, I'm just guessing 😅.
First time really writing a story.


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