Authors LAST NOTE🎶

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And that concludes "The Assassins Curse".

How'd you like it?...

In all honesty I love writing every second of it, and every time I saw the amount of readers go up I practically scream.

Because how the hell did I get all you guys to read this, y'all just looked at this and was like "why not."

Thank you all for the votes! It's all so sweet of you.
HOWEVER I want to see more comments. To see what you think what you love, hate and anything funny!
Damn it feels weird knowing that this fan fiction is done. 8 hours in total are you serious!?...I didn't think I made it that long until I saw it for myself.

More than 100,000 words and a bit over 300 pages...soo, I guess that counts for something.

I'm not the best writer but oh man do I want to get better. It's my dream and passion writing so it's a wonder being able to post it here.

I'm and ABSOLUTE fan of the MCU, and as many of you guys, like Peter. Like what's not to love about him!.

Let's just hope that my future self isn't like "shit that's embarrassing."
But as for right now, I CANT BELIEVE I DID THIS...

As I said before thank you SOOOO much for reading this, and even still, (if you want) VOTE, SHARE, COMMENT, and most of all ENJOY.

Because even if not a lot of people read this, it's still something I enjoy and that who the people that do read this, enjoys as well.
So if I'm guessing correctly, I assume you read all the chapters...if you haven't GO DO THAT NOW...
Because in the last bit of the last chapter, I'm assuming you saw the part where Y/n gets vanished away...

Where you might ask?


That's for me to know, and for YOU to find out.

Stay tuned for the sequel...of the Assassins Curse...

Love y'all 💋
Sincerely, the author.

The Assassins Curse Peterparker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now