Chapter 32

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My sleeping pills aren't kicking in yet...

He could feel the weight of his dark eyelids drag down as Cyrus nods once more after taking his sleeping pills. But he definitely was nowhere near sleeping, strange...that it isn't working already like it normally does.

Cyrus's insomnia must be worsening.

The dosage might need to be changed too, he takes his phone and typed in Denise's number and texted her about his situation. Cyrus somewhat missed the nice woman he was alright with back at the orphanage.

Though Cyrus doubts anyone else actually misses him back there, especially the other children, who used to always bully him for looking different with his scars and tattoo.

Maybe I'll visit Denise when my arm is fully healed, no need for her to worry about me.


An hour passed and Cyrus still can't seem to find sleep, his roommate hasn't returned as well. Stacking up his pillow upwards Cyrus decided to read something while killing time, his empty eyes glance at the wall clock; 1:03am 12 chapters later and still no sign of his rude mentally disturb roommate. A thought crossed Cyrus's mind.

About what Jessie told him today. "Al is a SADISTIC person, and he was the biggest fuck-boy along with Chase before. Guys like him...are only meant to become much worse."

Cyrus clearly remembered.

The pricey bottles of alcohol and several beer cans he cleaned up on his first night here. Along with random girl's underwear Cyrus threw away, probably from the girls Al had spend the night over before he was assigned a roommate, suddenly, the quiet boy didn't like imagining Al across this very room on his bed, while fucking girls.

Cyrus could tell Al wasn't the kind of person who'll take responsibility if he got a female student pregnant; leaving them. Treating them all as one night stands.

Al...surely isn't drinking his ass off on a school night. Then...where the hell is he?

Why do YOU care? That thought surprised Cyrus as he realises the questions meaning.

Why would he care about Al's well-being?

Why does it matter if he isn't here yet? I'm not his boyfriend or anything but it's still odd he'd be out this late, even if he's the top rank student body officer. Cyrus nods again.

Now his sleeping pills are taking effect and Cyrus's back leans more onto his pillow, followed by his hands eventually limping slowly to release his grip on the book, eyelids flickering to close themselves, as an exhausted blonde boy entered the room.

The fresh smell of meadows enticing Al, his head snaps to Cyrus he almost got whiplash.

Al took in the sight of his mate, Cyrus was uncomfortably sitting upward on his bed still wearing old glasses and all. Al walked carefully not to wake the young brash boy, his lips curling into a small smirk at Cyrus.

You're really irresistible Fluffy. Al thought.

But The Alpha's smirk disappeared, seeing how bandaged up Cyrus's left arm was and the painful reminder that he let it happen.

It's something he'll have to live with to his grave, and it hurts Al because the time will come, he'll have to reveal himself to Cyrus as the same goddamn wolf who did this to him; the guilt was drowning Al in depression.

For someone so strong...Al was weak.

Weak to his emotional damages.

He couldn't even stop Grim.

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