Prologue: The betrayal and a new life

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At the open void of space we see a planet sitting there as we see a separatist ships are around the planet as a blockade so no one can't go in or out of the planet.

Everything was silence until three ships came out of hyper space and slowly move towards the blockade as these ships are Republic class Star Destroyers sent by the Republic to stop what the Separatist plans are up to.

Everything was silence until three ships came out of hyper space and slowly move towards the blockade as these ships are Republic class Star Destroyers sent by the Republic to stop what the Separatist plans are up to

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Separatist fighter ships came out of their hanger bays as Republic fighter ships also came out of the hanger bays as a space battle begins as each star fighters gets blown up by one of the other.

Within the bridge on one of the destroyer we see a Jedi master named Zen Kon as he is watching the space battle going on as Clone Commander Flanker walks up to his jedi general as he stood beside him and says.

Within the bridge on one of the destroyer we see a Jedi master named Zen Kon as he is watching the space battle going on as Clone Commander Flanker walks up to his jedi general as he stood beside him and says

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Flanker: Sir the blockade seems to be weaken.

Zen: Agree I heard Coruscant is invaded by Separatist forces.

Flanker: Still why would there be some Separatist forces at the edge of the Unknown Region?

Zen: No clue but the council wants to stop this before it's to late. Once the blockade is broken get all your troops ready to enter to the planet surface.

Flanker: Yes sir.

Zen: Oh one more thing. Have you seen Y/n anywhere?

Y/n: Sorry Sorry!

Flanker and Zen turn as we see a young boy named Y/n as he runs over to them but he tripped and fell onto the ground. Zen chuckled a little as Y/n slowly sat up and look up at his master as he bows while saying.

Y/n: I'm so so sorry master. I-I slept in.

Zen: (chuckle) It's ok Y/n. I sometimes fall asleep during long trips when I was a Padawan like you.

Zen helps the young Y/n up as once Y/n stood up one of the clone crew says to Zen.

Clone crew: Sir  the blockade is broken.

Zen: (surprised) Already? Those Separatist are getting a bit rusty after all these years.

Flanker: I get the troops ready at the hanger bay.

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