Chapter 12: Picture

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♡  Alaiya's POV:  ♡

Every inch of my body feels violated, and I feel like throwing up right here and right now. My hands are shaking on the arm rest and even my leg is shivering from the state of shock I'm in. My entire face is dark red as everyone looks at me, and I can't seem to take my eyes off the picture displayed in front of me to see the watching eyes

The picture of me naked is shown in front of the entire class, and I shoot up from my seat after point five seconds and rush out of the room as fast as I can.

I try to hold back the tears while walking up the ledge, and I've never felt more disgusted or embarrassed with myself in my entire life. Once I've left the room, the tears have now freely fallen and won't stop as they burn my eyes out. I don't even know how someone would get a picture of me like that. It was in my bedroom while I was changing and I usually never keep my curtains open.

I open my car and shut the door harshly to take out my emotions somewhere.

My sobs come out as I replay the memory and embarrassment of everyone looking at me completely naked. I didn't even get a chance to look at Carson or anyone basically because of how fast I walked out of that room. I just knew I couldn't stay in there for long.

I wipe my tears with the need to get out of here and quickly pull the car into reverse.


Roman's POV

5 minutes earlier:

"....but it was so big and-," Ivy continues her rant while I was taking notes, and I stop her right there.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I ask concerned.

"There was this guy-," she restarts her story and now I actually stop her and the too much information she's giving me.

"I don't want to hear that shit." I turn my head back to my notebook.

She groans surprisingly not too loud, but I continue to write in my notebook and take the notes Professor Wright has put up on the board.

"Why does Professor Wright's head turn around the minute he hears a girl voice, but he never notices when a guy talks. The gender-bias in him is really not being hidden anymore...," she starts to talk about something else, and her voice just plays as background music while I try and catch up on the notes I missed.

As I'm writing a side note that we were told to write, the background suddenly stops and a suck in of breath is heard instead. She only stops talking when she thinks someone who's hot walks by, and the professor is the only one standing. This is concerning.

I look up to see what her eyes are looking at in shock and hope it isn't the Professor, and when my eyes look up at the board with the word 'what' on the tip of my tongue, what I see makes my body curl with anger instantly.

What the actual fuck!

My eyes shoot towards Alaiya in uncontrollable concern, and I see her look up from her notebook and completely freeze right before my eyes. In under five seconds, she shoots up from her seat and rushes out of here like her life depends on it. Her tears are falling down her cheeks and her face is completely red with embarrassment. I see her hands shaking by her side and that only makes more actual fucking anger build inside of me.

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