Chapter 24: Diner

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Alaiya's POV:

Roman parks at the diner and gets out of his seat, though I stay.

"I'm gonna call my grandma first and I'll meet you inside," I lie, and he nods before shutting his door.

My stomach is quite literally growling with hunger so I reach down in my purse and grab the pill bottle from inside right as the door is shut. I reach my hand inside my bag and pull out the mini water bottle to down the capsule with.

As I am about to open the bottle and down the pill, the door opens and I swear for a second I thought I was going to get murdered.

Holy crap!

My heart picks up, and before I can even process the jump-scare that this mother-freaker just provided for me, he grabs the pill bottle from my hand and chucks it to the trunk.

What the heck!

My mouth opens as I snap my head around see the bottle completely out of sight and probably lost in the back somewhere.

"What the heck was that for!" I exclaim at him.

"Get your ass out of the car," he demands as a sigh.

What's his issue? Can't he let me at least have one thing in my life and not call it abnormal?

"I paid for those." I point back.

He rolls his eyes at me like usual.

"You can't make me go in there." I fold my arms after making my statement.

He gives me a challenging look in return which only makes me worry for my life because this is Roman we're talking about.

Uh oh.

His hands grab my body and I immediately fall forward over his shoulder like a freaking bobble doll.

Not this again. How many times is he going to do this? It's like his power-up move in those fighting video games.

He shuts the door as I try and push him away, but personal experience has taught me there's no point.

"People are gonna think we're weird," I groan as he continues to walk like this is normal.

If he's going to point out all the things in my life that are wrong, then we should also talk about his caveman tricks to get me to do things because it doesn't look very healthy.

"Who the hell do you see around us?" he asks, and I lift my head to look around the empty parking lot. "You want to know why no one is around?" he questions, and before I can answer, he does it for me. "Because you woke my ass up at six in the fucking morning and no one wakes at the ass-crack of dawn!" he complains about something that he whined about the entire way to my parents' house.

And we're back to this.

My eyes couldn't shut this morning so I thought we could get a head start on the day. He didn't have to wake up, but he did so that's not my fault. It's not like I forced him to.

"You'll live." I reassure him sarcastically as we enter the diner while I'm still hanging from him like a freaking skeleton.

He walks us over to the couched chairs and sets me down on the left one. Not one person who works here seemed to notice or even cares that he just carried me in here with me over his shoulder. Like that isn't villain one-o-one to kidnapping someone.

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