The Beginning

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(De Andre's POV)

I enter the living room holding a big blue ceramic bowl filled with popcorn. The living room is filled with bright light from the flat-screen tv. The image on the tv made me sneer as I sit down next to Maya. The small red couch bunches us closer together.

"Maya, baby, not this show again," I said stuffing popcorn into my mouth. The tv light danced in those brown eyes and her small hand reached into the bowl on my lap.

"Dre, you know this is my favorite show. The Vampire Diaries puts me in a good mood." She said eating the salty popcorn. My girlfriend has been working harder at Walmart since the pandemic. I notice she has become more irritable and stressed from the increased hours. Sighing, I set the bowl on the brown coffee table and then paused the tv show. She gave me an evil look but I needed her to hear me. I grabbed her hands with an urgent as my eyes showed passion.

"Baby girl, you are not in this alone. I know this pandemic is weighing you down but you can't keep everything bottled inside." I said. I can relate to the pressure on her shoulders with my manager job at Nike. Every day is busier than the last I keep getting whiplashed. Maya removed her delicate hand from mine laying it on my face.

"You are supportive in everything I do. I am happy we met in that store a few years ago. I will open up more to you." She smiled pulling me into a deep kiss that led to a night of sweet moans.


I wake up smiling from the memories of last night. Maya and I gave sexual pleasure on the couch. She rode me hard until all of my cum was inside the tight cavern between those thighs.

The tv turned off sometime in the night. I needed to check the time so, I turned the tv back on. 6 am?!? I shake her shoulder to hear moans and groans on my chest.

"Maya, unless you want to miss work, I suggest you wake up," I whispered harshly in her ear. She wipes off drool to run into the bathroom.

I sat up to stretch my sore muscles to get ready for work. Maya's car is in the shop. I have been driving her to work every day. I turned the tv off and walked to my bedroom to prepare for the day ahead of me.


Driving on Friday in Los Angeles is not an easy task. Drivers honking non-stop leads to a big commotion. I arrived an hour late to Maya's job and she did not complain once about the time. I parked in the Walmart lot looking over to see her texting. I looked down to see black heels tearing into my car floor.

"Baby, I do not understand how you can stand wearing heels all day," I said. She put her phone into a red handbag with the "Guess" logo stitched on it. A smile eased onto her face to show those pretty dimples.

"Dre, you know I got to look fly especially in this outfit that does nothing for my figure." I shake my head at her renowned fashion sense. When we went hiking, she wore stilettos instead of boots or sneakers which caused us to leave the trail early from a sprained ankle. I tied her ankle with my shirt.

"You got everything? phone, keys, and lipstick?" I asked. She took off her seat belt leaning towards me.

"Yes, now give me some sugar." I gave her a big juicy kiss then she opened her door, closing it firmly. I stayed a minute longer making sure she got inside safely before driving to work. I stopped at a red light behind this silver truck. I happen to look over on my dashboard to see a cute pink wallet with "Maya" in rhinestones on it.

How could I have missed that before? I heard a honk behind me, I looked up to see the light turned green. I drove down the street turning left to get back to Walmart. When I arrived at Walmart, it started to rain. I put the pink wallet inside my jacket pocket and put the grey hoodie on my head. I locked my car and ran inside the store. I made sure my mask was on my face before entering.

The store was not too busy due to it being morning. I started to look around for Maya but she was not at the front. I saw her co-worker Janet a sweet lady who was 5'5 with salt and pepper hair hanging up shirts. I stayed six feet from her and took my wet hood off my head.

"Hey, Janet!" I said to her in a loud voice as bustling customers walked around the store to pop music on the loudspeaker. She turned around with a blue mask on her face and curious eyes as she holds the white shirt in her hands.

"Andre, how are you, honey?" She asked sweetly, I could see a smile reaching her eyes under her mask.

"I am doing good and yourself?" I asked her.

"Wonderful! I'm running on four hours of sleep and a cup of coffee." She said chuckling. I pulled the wallet out of my pocket.

"I'm sorry about that. Do you know where Maya is? She forgot her wallet in my car." I said to her as I waved the wallet in my hand. Janet put her hands on her hips reminding me of a disappointed parent.

"She is always forgetting things. I saw her go to Manager's office. It is straight to the back. The door is painted blue with a black knob." She said.

"Thank you," I said following her instructions to Manager's office. I made it to the door hearing faint moans and groans from the other side as if someone was having sex. I slowly opened the door to see plaques on the wall for multiple accomplishments.

A Bob the Builder lookalike moaned in front of this wall gripping onto long black hair urgently to suck more. He is literally getting a blowjob at his place of work. I cleared my throat stopping their movements in the act. They both turned to look at me and I almost collapsed to the floor. The girl on her knees is Maya! I threw the wallet in her face harshly. I ran from the room pushing people to get outside.

Every raindrop represents the pieces of my heart hitting the concrete ground. The safety of my car starting did not put my feelings at ease. I saw her banging on my driver-side window to be heard. I do not want those dick-sucking lips to tell me anything.

I honked the horn scaring her out of the way to get back on the road. I put on the windshield wipers while I drive. The sky became oddly pitch black and I turned on my headlights to find no other cars around me. I continue driving forward until a big truck appeared.

Everything is black, I am floating into nothingness.

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