Unknown Chapter

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A door opens to a pale man rolling around on thin bed sheets. He grunts and moans to the pain etched into his body from four large scratches. His abdomen bleeds through bandages from the scratches that drive him mad.

"Drink this, " the tender hands give him blood to drink for healing. The Red stain lips twist in confusion from the effects on his carcass.

"I do not understand why you aren't healing?" The tender man said rubbing his hand through sweaty hair.

"I was after him... when it attacked me. I was after him! I was after him!" tender hands try to hold down the rage boiling in the bed from the remembrance of that night.

"It will be okay, brother, I will find out how to help you." in the tender hands, a necklace with a large white tooth dangled from it with an entry into a dragon's life.

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