I just needed to (part 1)

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(De Andre's POV)

Walking down the hallway, two names keep pounding against my brain.





They became interchangable in order but a reminder of what I needed to face. I steped into history class to see that I am the first to arrive. I made a track to the seat in the back of the room when I heard Tanner's voice.

"Mr. Dragonmirth, Can I have a word with you?" He asked to my stiff back. I wanted to yell the word 'no' and take a seat. I knew telling him that would not stop him from pressing on my free will.

"What's up," I said to him. He waved a hand that made my body feel like it walked on strings pulled by a puppeteer. I could see the annoyance in his eyes behind the wooden desk that shifted from me to the open door. He let out a frustrated huff then slammed a thick folder with my name in bold black letters.

"From the reports, you are failing classes which is not a good look for the team."

Football? I am failing my classes and the only thing this jackass cares about is football?!?! I am so glad that he will die soon. I try to grab the thick folder when his hand gripped mine.

"I feel sad for your mother. She has two mouths to feed and is opening a buisness with the shadow of her husband's death clinging to her, a tragedy to get her involved." In that moment, my eyes turn into daggers needing to slice Tanner into pieces. The change in his eyes turn from glee to fear that traveled to a shaky hand. My lips turned up into a grin that pushed his body back into the rolling chair.

"Everything okay?" A random student asked in the doorway. I snatched the folder from the desk and held it to my hip.

"Peachy! Just peachy!" I said enthustiastically to the student and then turn back to Tanner.

"Anything else you need from me,--"

"No! Please, sit." He cut me off. I went back to my promised seat at the back of the classroom. I put the troubling folder underneath my books to close my eyes. My head filled with names is replaced in rage and I tried to hum a tune to help myself calm down. My body began to rock to the tune to keep this rage from lashing out. A wave of nirvana swirled around me when someone sat next to me. I slowly open my eyes to see emeralds.

"Stefan," I whispered when the second bell rang that made the entire classroom packed and my eyes disconnected from his. Throughout class, Stefan kept giving me small glances in concern while Tanner wanted to avoid my eyes at all cost. He kept dropping his chalk and twisiting up words. The entire class tried to hold in their laughter. He was the first to run out the door when the last bell of the day ranged in the halls. I grabbed my books and quickly walked out to my locker which needs a combination that I keep forgetting. I lightly bang my head against the locker to get the numbers to pop up. I felt a pat on my shoulder. I turned to see Stefan holding the incriminating folder. I quickly snatched the folder from him and then he slithered to unlock my locker.

"Your welcome," He said to me. I grabbed my school bag anf stuffed my things into it. I speed walked to the exit knowing that he was on my heels. I made it to my car and put my hand in my side pocket. My keys! Where are my keys?!? I heard a jingle behind and I see bunny eater holding my keys!

"You dropped something?" He asked with a innocent smile. I tried to snatch the keys from him but he pulled away.

"Hero hair, I just want to go home and lay down." He unlocked the driver side door and crawled over to the passenger seat. My patience is wearing thin with him.

"Get out the car!" He gave me a blank expression and I looked around then got in the car. I close the door behind me then turned to Stefan.

"If you do not get out, I will burn the boarding house down and stake your brother." Stefan put the keys in the ignition and turned it.

"We need to talk. This is only going to get worser, if we keep ignoring it. I know that you want me out of your life." When he said the last part, my stomach clenched and my hands tighten on the steering wheel. The car moved from the parking spot on to the main road. Before I dive into this crazy conversation with Stefan, I needed to go somewhere first. I just needed to.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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