Scars (Part 2)

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(Deandre's POV)




His body leaned against my locker as if he owned it. He carried an annoyed expression on his face.

"Jesus! Could you get any later?" He said to me. I rolled my eyes at him and brushed him aside to get to my locker.

"I guess the star player of the team does not have any rules." I kept trying to focus on the combination. Tyler's words keep distracting me from remembering them.

"Your sister is a cheerleader right?" He asked me. I stopped turning the little black dial to turn my focus to the jock.

"Yes," I said through clenching teeth. His sharp white tooth bit into his bottom lip and then turn his mouth into a moan.

"I can't wait to try that sweet ass." I was about to throw a punch when someone caught my arm.

"Tyler just leave," Stefan said still holding my arm. Tyler looked between us and then let out a chuckle.

"I guess weirdos do stick together. Anyways on Saturday, the first training session. Don't be late." He left us to walk over to his other friends that pointed at us and laughed. I yanked my arm from Stefan in annoyance.

"There you go! All in my business!" I screamed at him. He calmly walked to my locker to put in the combination.

"You should write down the combination. It is not rocket science." He said opening to expose the contents inside which are my phone, a few books, and a jacket. I grabbed the phone in wonder. I looked everywhere for it.

"I found it in the woods. I got the screen repaired for you." I grabbed the books that I needed for class and pocketed the cell phone. The bookbag was thrown into my locker and I slammed it shut. I began walking to my first class which is Art and could hear Stefan's footsteps close behind. I enter the stairwell and then ran into the basement. He needs to leave me alone. The basement lights are red and the space smells like sewer water. Stefan entered a few seconds later.

"You need to leave Mystic Falls before you do something stupid," I said moving out of the shadows. He shook his head at me.

"Okay, I kill your brother and you have no choice but to leave." His eyes held shock but I keep a straight face.

"Deandre, you would not do that. I know you." I gripped the books in my hand that did not stop my teeth from grinding.

"I know that you do stupid irrational things when you love someone for example Elena," I said to him. I walked closer to him to stare down into those emerald eyes.

"Is this a method to stop my feelings for you? It's not working." I leaned my face closer to his to let him feel the warm breath blowing on his skin.

"You don't love me. You can't." I felt his hand graze my face and for a minute, I felt relaxed like the problems driving me crazy no longer weighed me down. My eyes are closed yet, I can feel Stefan's lips ever so close.

"Hey! What are you two doing here?!" The bubble popped letting my eyes open and my hands push Stefan out of the way to rush upstairs to Art class. I almost let him. I almost let him I thought touching my scars hidden under the long sleeve. I made it onto the floor for Art class and rushed inside letting the door close behind me. I kept looking through the glass window of the door to see if Stefan followed me. I turn around to see- -


He had bags under his eyes and his hair was swept all over his face.

"Hi,... I....." he turned his back to me in an instant to blubbering words.

"I am just waiting for Ms. White to come back and then I am leaving." I sat my stuff in a nearby seat to approach his tense frame.

"You can't look at me? Not even for a moment," I said to his back from near the desk to give us space.

"Last time we talked, you became the missing boy. Don't want a repeat of that incident, now do we?" I exhaled in frustration at his truthful words.

"Yeah, it happened but I hope that it did not affect you." He clicked his tongue and finally turned to me in anger.

"Affect me! Are you fucking kidding me?!?!? you disappeared into thin air and I felt guilty for pressuring you into a possible friendship." I put my hands up in surrender to stop him from lashing out.

"I understand, I am sorry." He pulled at his hair in frustration.

"Fuck your apologies! You had a chance to come to say this a while ago but you never even came to my house. I stayed up for nights, worried about you!" I tried to comfort him but he smacked my hands away.

"Don't touch me! you don't want any friends? fine! I did not deserve to be in the dark for wanting a real friend, just once in my life. You were the only voice that spoke the truth to me." I look down in regret at not realizing how he could benefit from having a friend like me in his life. For us to be friends, there has to be truth going forward.

"I know that this friendship could benefit the both of us but it can also create a lot of pain. It is one of the reasons why I do not have friends now." I saw a couple of tears come down his face.

"How can there be hurt, when you did not try." I was left speechless at those words as he rushed past me to slam the door open which made me feel the vibrations. I kept my head down in regret and sadness. I did not mean to hurt Jeremy, I just thought it would be better to keep my distance. It did more hurt than good.

"Deandre, honey, why so glum?" Ms. White asked me.

"It's nothing." She rubbed a hand on my back in comfort.

"I do not believe that. Something is going on with you. Does it pertain to Jeremy?" I looked away at the mention of his name.

"Ahh, I knew it. Poor kid still keeps up with his assignments for this class but he looks horrible. Do not even show up for in-person lectures since your return." Yeah, he wanted to avoid the lost boy.

"You ever had a secret so big, that you can never share it. Not to your family, friend, or someone close to you." She grabbed my face to direct my focus from the floor.

"We all have secrets but it should not stop us from living in this crazy world. If you want or need a friend, go for it but be cautious." I bit my lip in frustration at the realization of her words. She walked to the chalkboard to start writing in chalk.

"Remember, just because you got a secret does not mean, you should be alone." She turned around to give me a wink as I smiled back at her. Gosh, I messed up so badly. This secret is keeping me isolated from... being able to breathe and spend time with others.

I am not sure when I will return to the real world but from now on, I will no longer allow myself to stay victim to these circumstances. I want to live. I need to live! To keep me centered and sane in this fictional place. Where do I start?

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