To be or not to be....

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(De Andre's POV)

Bonnie enters the room. She sits next to me with an affectionate look.   A light brown hand slithers into mine.

"Finally, you are awake," she said relieved. The warm hand rubs my own, slowly, on the wrinkled covers.

"Yes, I am awake and glad to see you. How are you doing?" I asked the witch. She smiled leaning forward.

"Well, besides worrying about you every day. I just did the typical high school thing which is school, school, and more school." our laughter filled the room in perfect synchronization. She has a cute laugh."Come on, you are telling me nothing happen in my absence?"

Bonnie's hand recoiled into her lap.

"I kind of I... think....I... you will probably think I'm strange once I tell you this. I blew up a car." she blurted out. My body jerked upward on the stiff hospital bed.

"You did?" I asked. She nodded looking downward. I tilted her head up with my hand.

"I do not think you're strange. I find you to be funny, chill, smart, and beautiful." I said smiling. She bit her lip and leaned forward for the invitation of a kiss.

When our lips almost joined, a loud noise came from the window. Bonnie jumped in her seat from the disturbance. I leaned back to try to make out the culprit through the window. My eyes scoured out a shape in the darkness which looked to be human.

"I wonder what that was," Bonnie adjusted her seat. I turned back to her.

"Probably a stupid bird," I lied.

"Every day, I came here to see if you were awake. Before this, you were gone for two weeks. No one could find you. I became mad and sad." Bonnie sat next to me on the bed.

"The car... scared the hell out of me from being bottled up with all these emotions. The unknown of you being dead or alive. My Grams saw it eating me alive and she just told me to be patient like she knew something." she laid down on my chest crying her eyes out.

I caressed her hair with my big hands. I have not known Bonnie long but she is a good friend. I need to find clues on what, when, where, and why? I lifted her head to see rivers of tears streaming down her face. I kissed her forehead.

"I am here Bonnie, I am sorry about my disappearance having a big impact on you. I did not intentionally do it. I am grateful to have a friend like you. Also, thank you for visiting me every day in the hospital when I was unconscious." I said gratefully to her.

She wiped her face with disappointed eyes. The word "friend" triggered her on the current status of our relationship.

"There is no reason to thank me. I just tend to care a lot about people," she said. I shook my head.

"Bonnie, you deserve it. checking on me, daily, besides my family is a blessing." I said.

"Yeah, Elena and Caroline came sometimes. Matt visited about once in a while but could not come more because of work. The only other person that came frequently was Stefan. I did not know you were friends?" she said.  Stefan? Why the hell would he visit me every day when I was unconscious? Did he do this? I will find out soon enough. I laid on my pillow rubbing Bonnie's back as we conversate about other things.


Bonnie left a few hours ago to go home. I lay contemplating about Stefan visiting me in my hospital bed. Everyday.

I do not like Stefan and he knows that. Why would Stefan come here? guilt? boredom?Amina came through the door to interrupt my inner thoughts.

"Hi egghead, I came back to bother you," she said laughing. I smiled at this familiarity between us.

"Where is mom?" I asked shifting in the bed.

She came to sit by my feet.

"She went home to check on grandma and shipping orders for the shop. She will be back soon," she said laying back on my legs. I sat up in the bed.

"Amina, you should of went home before it got dark," I said curtly. She is unaware of the true dangers in this town.

"Blah, you worry too much big bro. If I decide to go home tonight I can use my ninja moves,"she said imitating a move on the bed which made her look like a dead praying mantis.

"I just do not want anything to happen to you, mom, and grandma," I said. She sat up a little."Is this about your disappearance? did something attack you?" she asked poking for answers.

"Amina... I...." the words can not tumble out to form a sentence. I know something attacked me. Someone knocks on the door. A nurse comes in.

"Sorry, honey, visiting hours are over," she said. Amina looks at me sadly and hugs me before walking out the door with the nurse.

I pick up the remote to the tv when the lights in the room flickered. I got out of bed moving the iv cart with me to the hallway. My legs felt weak and shifty.

"Hello!" I screamed to the empty hallway. The only sounds were from my footsteps. The lights turn off one by one. I try to get down the hallway but then I am shrouded in darkness. Chills run all over my body that I fall to the floor and I can not move.

"It is very loud in here." a voice said and then the lights came back on. I looked up to see Damon.

"Damon?" I said. He looked at me with that smirk of his.

"Only time will tell. If you are worthy," he said. I tried to get up but I'm too weak. I heard something hit the ground. I looked up to see Damon's skin peeling off and he is laughing. I look down the corridor to see flames coming down the hallway.

"Oh no, you are scared? It is just fire," he said cackling. I tried to crawl. I tried to walk. I am stuck. I am scared. My screams filled the hallway when the green flames swallowed us both.


I woke up in a big bed. The lights were low. I felt someone shifting in the bed. I looked over to see the last person on earth next to me in a bed...

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