Four weeks?!?! (part 2)

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(De Andre's pov)

Whispers... whispers all around me as I open my eyes from the darkness that kept me for how long?

"Doctor it has been three days! What else is going on with my son?" mom whispered harshly to the doctor in white.

"Mrs. Dragonmirth, it is only dehydration. De Andre's body needs time to recharge which is why he went into shock and is sleeping this long." the doctor replied to a defeated mother slumped forward in a grey chair.

"Mom?" I said out loud which perked her body upright in the chair.

"My little dragon!" mom said lurching forward to my bed. Arms wrap me in warmness that I felt safe... For the moment.

"Where am I?" I asked her as the doctor check my pulse. She let go of me to give him room to look me over.

"How do you feel young man?" he asked sternly.

"Okay. I guess." I responded in almost a whisper voice. The doctor in white flashed a light in both eyes.

"I am going to get a nurse to bring you some water and food. We are going to do more tests later when you are ready. Okay?" I nodded my head to the doctor. He gave the typical doctor smile and left the room. I felt a pinch on my thigh.

"Ow" I said jerking in bed. Mom had a sad and mad look on her face.

"You was gone for a few weeks and didn't think to call your sweet mother!" She said sitting next to me.

"Mom, it is nothing personal just a lot-" I am cut off mid sentence.

"Nothing personal?!? I almost had a heart attack not knowing if you was dead or alive!" She huffed looking at me with those big curls.

"I..." nothing to really say about my whereabouts because most of it is a story filled with holes. It's like I was in misery with Stefan without being torture and awake.

The nurse walked in a cup of water and covered food on a small cart. She has pale skin and blonde hair with red lipstick. The eyes on her pasty makeup face were a dull green.

"Who is ready for their fuel?" She put hands on slender hips with a big smile. The nurse came to adjust my position on the bed and put a feeding tray over my thighs. Mom exhaled before speaking.

"I am going to the bathroom but I'll be back" she kissed my head and walked out the musty room.

"I want you to drink this water slowly. I can not have you choking!" She put the cup of water on the tray and sat the covered food next to it. Nurse perky removed the lead to show me a tv dinner style meal.

"I made it myself! Oh, I am nurse Mary by the way." she said tucking a napkin in my hospital gown like I was a four year old.

"I'm De Andre." I said to her. She laughed slightly.

"I know who you are silly!" She slapped my back lightly. Perky Mary pulled back the curtain around my bed and opened the window to let in a breeze. The sun was shining bright through the window that I wish I could bathe in it. The ordeals that I am going through have made me confused, sad, and angry. What do I do? Who will understand this situation? Grandma?

"Wait! I almost forgot your surprise!" Nurse perky ran out the room to returned with balloons and flowers. I sat up straight to interrogate these gifts.

"Who are these from?" I questioned the nurse.

"Well, the balloons are from these group of girls that came in. I think one of them was named Bonnie." The nurse placed the balloons in the corner and handed me the roses.

"I do not know the name of the person behind the roses," I observed the roses and looked inside the bouquet to see a black string wrapped around one of the roses. I pulled the string out to unveil my necklace! I touched my neck in neglect. I threw the bouquet on the bed to put the necklace back on my neck. Nurse perky was standing next to me in silence and wonder.

"Nurse per-- I mean nurse Mary do you remember the physicality of the person who gave you the roses?" I asked curiously. She put a finger on her chin thinking hard.

"All I remember is green eyes and brown hair but he just disappeared after dropping them off." I nodded my head to her. The only guy I know with that description is Stefan.

"Thank you for your help," I said politely putting on my best smile. She rubbed my hand walking out the room. I stared down at the cold food in disgust and was ready to get out of her.

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