Scars (Part 1)

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(De Andre's POV)

I took a few steps back from Stefan. I shook my head at him.

"No, you are joking, right?" I said to him as his eyes began to water.

"I did not want you to die. Your heartbeat was faint. I had no other choice." I heard come out of his mouth. I gave him a look of disbelief then in a flash, pin him against the wall. My hand was tight around his throat.

"I deserve to choose if I lived or die! Not you!" I yelled in his face in a fury. My death could have been my way out.

"Please, I could not let you die. I couldn't." I tighten my hand around his throat and made his hand grip my arm.

"Why?" I asked looking into those emeralds that became so cloudy in fear and sadness.

"Because... Because I think I'm in love with you." I dropped him to the floor to let out a loud laugh. He started up at me from his motionless position on the floor.

"You think I'm lying?" He asked me rubbing his throat. I sat back on the bed to let out a little chuckle this time.

"I think you are confused. Aren't you in love with Elena?" He looked down in regret at the mention of the doppelganger.

"Besides, I could never love a former ripper that has become a sad image of himself. Too much brooding for me." He wiped the tears coming down his face.

"How do you know about that? I never told you." I gave him a small smirk as I fully lounged on his bed.

"My old vampire friend and visions when I was human. Now, I do not know what I am. I am faster and stronger than your average vampire so tread lightly." He hesitantly got up from the floor to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Let me help you. I feel like I could be of good use." I gave him a strange look as I rolled my eyes.

"Finish patching up my back so I can be on my way." I heard a gasp from him as he touched my back. I turn to look at Stefan.

"What?" I asked in curiosity.

"Your back, it's fully healed." I went into his bathroom to try to look at my back. In the big glass mirror, the four bloody scratches were healed. The only thing left was...

"Scars." I heard Stefan say as he grazed his hand against my arm which had smaller scars.

"At least I can go now. You won't have to worry about me." He laid a tan hand over my heart as he stared.

"When you were healed and still sleeping, you laid my hand against your heart every night. You did not want me to let go. So, I didn't." I laid my larger hand over him to look into those eyes with final words.

"Now, I do not need you," I said as our lips were inches apart. I walk back into the bedroom to pull on my shirt.

"You will one day." I heard Stefan mutter as I left his room to walk down the stairs. I turn the corner to see Damon.

"Leaving so soon?" I know that this raven-haired asshole heard everything. I tried to move around him when he stopped me.

"Damon, shouldn't you be looking for Katherine? I hope she is in there." Damon began to break the bones in my hand.

"What do you know? Tell me or I'll rip your heart out." I threw Damon into the wall and then tried to snap my hand back into place.

"I know she never loved you and rather have a real man." He rushed fast at me and I put him in a chokehold. Stefan appeared in front of us.

"Deandre! Stop!" I gave him an angry look as I continue holding Damon tightly.

"Don't tell me what to do," I said as I snapped Damon's neck. His pathetic body dropped to the floor as I stepped over him. I walked up to Stefan.

"Keep your heart and crazy brother away from me or next time, I will kill him." I stared deep into his eyes with hatred as I rushed out the front door to get him. I ran home with the emotions of hate, sadness, guilt, confusion, and more waiting to explode on the next person. Is Stefan in love with me? I do not even like men. I did not realize I was home until I saw the front door. I opened it quietly to let the closing be a little squeak. I almost made it upstairs when I heard a voice.

"Deandre, we need to talk. Now." I cursed to myself as I enter the dining room. I saw my grandmother with a bored look on her face.

"Something's left in the darkness has come to the light." I leaned against the entryway as my ears heard nonsense and riddles fall from her mouth.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." She threw something at me and I saw that it was the same cloth sack that helped me tea yet this kind smelled more potent.

"I had to increase the dosage. You are not ready yet." She slowly got up from the dining room chair that bunny slippers shuffled over the floor to me.

"A heart can be broken, mended, and gone in the wind. The keeper of life goes through more than it can bare." My spine laid straight against the wall for the hand of this woman laid against my heart.

"You can take a cup before bed and arise. Stay consistent." She said with a hard look before she walked around me and went up the stairs. I went to the kitchen to start the tea kettle as I prepared a white porcelain cup for the mystical tea. When did I become so foolish? If I never got kidnapped by Stefan then I would not be in this mess. To think he gave me his blood. I began to grind my teeth hard as the kettle whistle out the rage.


The next morning I wore a long-sleeved shirt to hide my scars. I know if my mother or sister laid their eyes on them that it would result in many questions. I sat at the dining table eating breakfast when I saw Amina rush down the stairs in a cheerleading outfit.

"When did you become a cheerleader?" I asked around the mouthful of cereal. She laid a Pom Pom on her hip.

"A few weeks after you became a stereotypical jock. I have early practice with Caroline. We have to leave now." Mom cleared her throat to interrupt our sibling jeering.

"I actually have a surprise for you my dragon. I need you to put this on." She gave me a black blindfold that I put on. I moved with force from two hands out the front door and suddenly we stopped. The blindfold was ripped from my eyes to see a black 1979 Impala. It was in mint condition.

"Whose car is this?" I asked my mom. She threw car keys at me.

"Yours! It was your father's but he wanted you to have it in case..." I saw her eyes begin to tear up and I gave her a big hug. Amina wrapped her arms around both of us.

"I love family hugs!" She said excitedly. We broke apart with smiles and teary eyes.

"You both need to go. School starts in an hour." Amina raced into her car and took off like the wind. I stood there with Mom.

"Thank you," I said. We hugged each before departing to get our days started. I got inside the car and it has this prim leather smell I turn around to see my book pack in the back seat. I smiled letting the car roar with a twist of a key. Music filled the entire car with Guns N' Roses. I turn onto the main road to feel the air hitting me from the open windows. I let out a big smile that I have not felt in a while. Reaching the school lot, I grabbed my backpack to turn off the car. I pocket the key in my bag and kept smiling. A few students took a picture of my car which made me chuckle. I enter the school and went straight to my locker and guess who I found standing in front of it?

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