Fake It (part 1)

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(De Andre's Pov)

I was released from the hospital after a week and a few tests. Mom comes to check on me in my room once in a while and Amina.... we are not talking. I can not give them the explanations that they seek because they will probably think I am crazy. I have decided to go back to school even if I have missed weeks of assignments. Mom took it upon herself to inform the school of my incident once I was found and the school was sympathetic. I was able to receive all of my missed assignments with a deadline of November 1st. Thankfully, it is still September. I am criticizing my outfit when the door opens.

"Honey, are you ready for school?" My mom asked in the narrow doorway. I turned around with a fake smile.

"Of course I am," I said unsure of moving forward to the outside world. I forced my body parts to go through the motion of grabbing the most needed essentials for high school. Bookbag, keys, and phone. I got a few calls from Bonnie and Caroline but I never got back to them. I am following my mom downstairs when Amina comes out of the dining room. Eyes locked. Faces stop. Who will say "sorry" first?

"Amina, you are blocking the door." My mom said putting on her grey cardigan. I shift my gaze to my feet as I follow closely behind mom. My head lay on the warm window as mom cranked the engine towards Mystic falls high. I did not feel like talking but I can pretend to be fine. A blurry of green and blue flew past my vision as the car zooms down the isolated road. I shifted in my seat to look through the window shield.

"Honey, I know it will be hard for you to go back. Are you sure about this?" She asked looking forward. I turned to her with a plastic smile.

"Mom, I am just happy to get back to normal," I said casually. If lying was a job, I would be paid top dollar. Mom turned to me slightly.

"I do not think things will be-" a big crow flew into the windshield making the car swerve. Mom was hunched over the wheel like a frightened cat.

"Normal," she squeaked. Where the fuck did that crow come from?

"Mom, are you okay?" I asked. She unfastened her seat belt and took a deep breath. I rubbed her shoulder and gave a suggestion.

"Maybe I should drive?" I blurted out. She nodded fast and laid down in the back seat.


When we finally arrived at the school, I saw students filing into the school and even looking at me. I do not want to go in there. A hand laid on my shoulder.

"You do not have to go in." Mom said simply. I can not stay hidden away in a room. I rubbed her hand.

"Mom, I am a strong guy. I can do this." I said determinedly. I turned to her.

"Will you be able to get home?" I questioned. She waved a hand with a smile on her brown face.

"I can get back! I just need a few minutes. Besides, I want to watch my baby boy walk through those doors." She handed me the bookbag and I exited the vehicle. I saw people looking at me but I just rushed past them into the school. Here goes nothing....

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