four weeks?!?!

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(De Andre's pov)

I walked into the house with Amina on my heels.

"Four weeks! where did you go?!?" I walked in to the kitchen with a sizzling sister. I opened the fridge but it was slammed by a pink painted hand.

"I let you be quiet in the car but now I need answers," she said. I hopped up on the countertop ready to makeshift a crazy story to fit.

"Amina, I am sorry about being gone for so long. I needed to look for something inside of me that was missing and I recently got back so, I stayed at Stefan's house." I said acting like I was not ailing for weeks. She walked up to me.

"Bullshit! I know you, Dre. You would have told your family about needing to go somewhere. You had so many people worried and Elena thinks that she caused your disappearance from how judgemental--" I cut her off.

"This has nothing to do with Elena! for all I care she can drop dead and I would not even flinch," Amina smacked me in the face with so much force that my head banged into the cabinet. I rubbed my jaw in surprise from the sting.

"You are such a great sister." I said walking away to the privacy of my room on the second floor. I locked my door and shut all my windows to finally be alone. I was gone for four weeks! I was being nursed back to health by a vampire who could give Edward Cullen a run for his money. The dream felt very real with Damon, Bonnie, and even my family. I press my head further into the pillow trying to relax. I hope that sleep does not crawl back.....


I am dressed in my hospital gown traveling down dark corridors to the origin of a loud sound. This nuisance of noise calls to me as a matter of importance. I am surrounded in the scenery of stone floors leading to a wooden door that gave me no sleep for weeks. I do not want to be back here but I can not force my body to stop....moving... I am seduced by the sound of something unknown and frightening that could change everything to me. Can anyone wake me up? I want to wake up! I want to wake up! I want to wake up! I want to wake-

"De Andre, honey, wake up." someone was shaking me. I open my eyes to see my mom sitting next to me.

"Mom?" I questioned. She turned on the lamp and I shielded my eyes. A hand laid on my forehead.

"You are burning up! I hope you are not sick," she said. The blanket is tossed off me and I stood up to only fall down on the wood floor.

"De Andre!" my mom screamed out but my body was shaking on the floor from the heat boiling from the inside. My stomach is in knots and my head is a ruckus. I could only do the thing I hate most right now which is-- sleep.

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