Magical tea

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(De Andre's POV)

"Dre, Dre" someone said shaking my shoulder. I do not want to wake up I just want to sleep. I jerked my shoulder away and open my eyes.

"What!" I screamed as I turned to the person next to me. Amina was frozen with shock causing her eyes to widen.

"I was... just waking you up. Are you angry with me?" She asked slowly.

"No, no I am not. I just have not been getting much sleep. I am sorry." I said putting my head in my hands.

"I can ask grandma to make her special tea for you. Would you like that?" she asked me. I lift my head and smile at her.

"I would like that a lot, Mina," I said. She slowly crawled backward out of the cramped car. She was standing by the opened door a hand on her hip.

"Good, you are going to need it for your dinner date with Bonnie." she teased running into the house. Date with Bonnie? Just a friendly get-together I hope.

I enter the house a few minutes later with my bag. I was about to walk up the stairs to my room.

"Deandre, come into the dining room," a serious voice said to my right. I turned in that direction to see the fictional grandmother sitting at the head of the table with two small tan sacks in front of her.

"Come in here boy, I need to talk to you" I bit my lip with a sigh going into the dining room... I stood near the end table. She waved a hand covered in gold rings.

"Closer I do not bite," she said. I sat down in a chair adjacent to her.

"Amina told me of your confliction," she said. My confliction what is this a confessional?

"My confliction?" I inquired as I looked at her.

"Yes, the problem with sleep. I would like your hand first to confirm some things," she said holding her hand out. I stared at it not knowing what to do.

"Child, I want to do this before my tv show comes on," she said sassily moving her hand closer to me. I put my hand in hers and she started to jerk in her seat with closed eyes. She gripped my hand tightly that I could not get out of her grip. White eyes opened as she flew into the wall. I quickly jumped up. I get on the floor to check her pulse which still thrived. She started to wake up and I moved away to give her breathing room.

"Grandma, are you okay?" I asked her. She got up moaning in pain and rubbing her lower back.

"You got the fire in you." she groaned dragging her feet to the kitchen. I heard drawers being pulled and things moved around. She comes back walking slowly. She has a black marker in her hand. She draws something on the sack bags on the table. One with a big marked N and the other is the letter D.

"Put a couple of leaves in a mug then pour boiling water over it to get the full benefits. You take the bag with D when you get up. The D stands for day to keep you productive. The N stands for a night. You want to drink the tea right before you go to bed. Understand?" she looked at me tired and annoyed.

"Yes, but..." she cuts me off.

"Good, now I am going to lay down and watch my daytime show. I want to know who got the maid pregnant," she said walking past me.

"Grandma..." she is climbing up the steps one at a time holding the banister.

"Listen, I helped your ailment now let me have my downtime. You need to get ready for that date," she said continuing to go up the stairs. When she reached her room, closing her bedroom door. I exhaled a breath that I did not know I was holding. Is the grandmother some type of witch? She seems distant but helpful. I should have some tea for the rest of the day. I took the D bag to the kitchen to make myself a big cup of tea. I am gonna need it.


The tea tasted like mint and lemon. I felt an instant boost of energy inside of me that I almost did a backflip. I look at the time to see it was 5 p.m.?!?! I have to meet Bonnie at 6 p.m. I finished the last bit of my tea and ran upstairs to take a shower. I put on jeans, a short-sleeved black t-shirt, and red chucks. I fixed the necklace on my neck. I bring my Jean jacket just in case. I have to ask Amina to use her car seeming as I do not have one right now. I knocked on the door with the big flower A on it.

"Come in" she shouted behind the door. I walked in slowly.

"Hey Sis, can I use your car for the night? I am having dinner at Elena's." I said. She looked at me smiling.

"You finally admitting your interest in Elena." She said painting her toes pink.

"No, it is a friendly dinner and Bonnie invited me to come." She almost dropped the nail polish bottle.

"Bonnie? So, now you interested in two girls?" She said. I am so ready to throw this jacket at her head.

"Anyway, can I please use your car, I have to meet Bonnie in front of the grill at 6?" I said. I saw a pink digital clock on her nightstand reading 5:30 in big black letters.

"You are lucky I love you. My keys are on my vanity." She said. I go to the vanity grabbing her keys and almost slamming her door.

"You are welcome!" She screamed as I walked down the hallway. I got outside into her car that I had to duck a little inside of due to my height. I zoomed to the grill because I wanted to get there on time. I did not want to appear rude. I quickly look at the time as the window is open blowing in my hair. I have ten minutes left hopefully I make it.

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