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(De Andre's POV)

 I am currently in history class with Tanner. He is talking about the night of the comet. I keep yawning trying to stay awake.

"Originally discovered nearly 5 centuries ago, it hasn't been over Mystic Falls in over 145 years. Now, the comet will be its brightest right after..." Tanner's voice starts to become low pitched then my eyes closed. when I opened them, I am in this dark corridor curious about a loud noise behind a big wooden door.

I walk towards it as flames light on each side of me... My emotions become two sides of one coin. Fear and regret. I approached the door when someone shook me awake. My eyes opened to see...


"Wow, I  did not know my teaching was that boring," he said sarcastically. I looked around the room to see students staring at us and laughing. Tanner leans down to whisper in my ear.

"Detention after school come to the football field," he said walking back to his desk.

"Now before Mr. Dragonmirth interrupted me with his incompetence. I am giving you all a project in pairs and I already picked who I will put into pairs. This assignment will be about the history of the most significant that comes from 1910 till now in America. I will give each pairing a decade and you will need to do extensive research. No Wikipedia uses or I will give you and your partner an F. I am going to hand out the criteria for this project tomorrow but right now, I will call out the project pairs."He says.

The entire class huffed then I saw, Elena and Stefan, give each other the "star-crossed lovers" look hoping to be paired.

"The first pair is Stacy Widdles and John Taylor decade 1910. The second pair was Tracey Spruce and Mike Lyric decade 1930. The third pair was Bonnie Bennett and Elena Gilbert decade 1960. The fourth pairing De Andre Dragonmirth and Stefan Salvatore decade 1990..."

The names of the fourth pairing created panic in me. I shut out the rest of the world in the classroom. I and Salvatore? This is not a good idea. For the past few weeks, I have been ignoring him with ease. I feel like no matter what I do, I just keep getting entangled in this fictional show storyline. I need a shot of tequila asap.

The bell rang and everyone rushed out but Elena and Stefan. If I am going to be his partner, I should get his number so, we can start working on this project to go back to ignoring each other. I put my books and pen in my bag. before I could leave, I hear someone clear their throat. I turned my head to the left to see Tanner sitting at his desk with a shit-eating grin.

"Remember, detention at the football field. 3:15 on the dot. Please don't make it two more being late." He said texting on his phone. I nodded walking into the hallway not seeing Stefan's insight. I continue going to all my classes but for some reason, I still saw no sign of Stefan, and then once the day was over, I texted Amina about me having detention which she was shocked about because from her mouth "I never get in trouble." she told me to text her when it's time to pick me up from hell known as detention.

I arrived at the football field and Tanner made me run laps even if I am in jeans. I am on my sixth lap around the track I hear something flying towards me and without hesitation, I caught the object. In my hands, is an all-American football. On the field, baffled jocks were covered in sweat and dirt. How was I able to hear that football coming towards me?

"Dragonmirth! Get over here!" Tanner yelled at me from another side of the field making me jog over to him.

"Yes, Mr. Tanner?" I said uneasily. He walked closer to me and looked into my eyes.

"How the hell did you catch that ball?" He says to me.

"Luck I guess," I said to him. he laughs and then put an arm around me like we are the best buds in the world. He calls over his players on the field.

"Guys did you see how lucky Mr. Dragonmirth here was able to catch that ball," he said. The players who stand with eagle-wide legs and mumbled among themselves. Tanner holds me closer to him.

" We definitely need luck like you on this team a personal good luck charm for us to win this season." He grins. I already don't like him and seeing him in class is enough. The whistle blows signaling back to practice by Tanner.

He pulled me to a bench shoving me down forcefully.

"Kid you have something this team needs and I am not taking no for an answer. Tryouts are Friday. I will make the team think I chose at that moment. I am telling you this now, you join the team and I cut you some slack in class." He says and I let out one word.


He squatted to my level and hit his clipboard on my leg" You have a little sister, don't you? Amina Dragonmirth is in my history class as well, I could make her life a living hell if you don't join my team." I looked at him in disbelief.

"You trying to threaten me by using my sister as a pawn?" I asked him as I stared into his manipulative eyes. My sister? I can not believe I said that word out loud to someone with emotion behind it.

"Maybe or maybe not it's your choice. You can try to tell the principal even your parents. You could even punch me but we both know you would look like a liar. No evidence to back you up. just word of mouth." he says sneering.

I hate this man but he had a point, I move my head back and looked away from him. He stood up raining down his power and control.

"You have until Thursday to make your decision and if I was you, I would make the right choice. Detention is over for you," he said to me. Tanner walked back to his players blowing the whistle. This town will be the end of me.

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