Intense dinner

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(De Andre's POV)

I finally appear at the grill and saw Bonnie standing outside. I parked in front of her sticking my head out the driver's side window.

"I hope you were not waiting long," I said rubbing a hand through my hair. She walked closer to the car.

"I have just been waiting a few minutes. Follow my car back to Elena's?" I nodded. She smiled getting into her blue Honda which was a few cars away.

I waited for her to pull out to follow her to Elena's. The blue Honda pulls out of the space driving a little to the stop sign. I followed a foot behind her on the drive to the doppelgänger's house. We arrived at the house and I parked behind Bonnie. I get out of the car standing on the dark quiet street, stretching my arms above my head. I felt cramped driving in that car. Bonnie walks up to me with her bag on her shoulder.

"You ready to go in there?" She asked with a head jerk to the house.

"Yeah, let's do it," I said walking side by side up creaky steps to a nice sized porch. She ringed the doorbell. I heard footsteps on the other side. The door open and Bonnie's face lit up.

"Hey! You are here." Elena said hugging Bonnie.

"De Andre, what brings you here?" She asked confused and I pointed to Bonnie.

"Bonnie invited me as her plus one. I hope you have room for one more." I said laughing. She ushered us both into the house.

"Yeah, I should have room for one more plate. I am got takeout for the night." She said nodding. 

"You can't cook?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Last time I cooked, almost burned down the kitchen." We all laughed. We enter into the living room having light chats about a lot of things.

"Elena, can I please use your restroom," I said. she turned to me.

"Yes, it is the first door on your left upstairs." She said.

"Thank you." I proceeded upstairs to the bathroom. I turn on the switch to look at my face in the mirror. My bags under my eyes are gone. I have a life back in my deep brown eyes that were not there this morning.

I took a long piss in the toilet then closed up my fly and flush the toilet. I wash my hands, wiping them on a hand towel. My hand turn flipped off the light switch as I open the door.

"Putting it in a nice bowl is not gonna fool anybody," Bonnie said downstairs as I heard draws opening.

"Serving spoons. Where are the serving spoons?" Elena asked bustling around the kitchen.

"Little draw on your left," Bonnie said.

"Well, you have been in my kitchen a thousand times," Elena said. I turned the corner into the kitchen.

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